Audio player - Flash
Primjer playera

Informacije o izradi CMS web stranica 

Parameter sample value Description
playerType small Valid values:
"invisible","controls_only","volume_only","small","medium" or "large"
dropDownDirection down Sets the direction that the dropdown menu will open.
Valid values are: "up", "down", or "none"
showJumpControls true This tells the player whether or not to display the "jump" controls. These are the double arrow buttons on either side of the play/pause button.
autoStart true If set to true, the audio will start to play automatically
loopType loopCurrent Action that occurs after a song finishes. valid values are: loopCurrent, playNext, none
dropDownWidth 220 Sets the width of the dropdown menu
backgroundColor #FF0000 Changes the color of te backround
backgroundAlpha 50

Sets the transparancy amount of the backround

maxListView 3 Number of items to display in the dropdown. Items more that this number you would need to scroll to.
hiliteColor #FF0000 Color of the hilite elements in the player
baseColor #FF0000 Color of the base elements in the player