About the Alexa Traffic Rankings |
A listing of all sites on the Web, sorted by traffic...
Alexa computes traffic rankings by analyzing the Web usage of millions of
Alexa Toolbar users. The information is sorted, sifted, anonymized, counted,
and computed, until, finally, we get the traffic rankings shown in the Alexa
service. The process is relatively complex, but if you have a need to know,
please read on.
What is Traffic Rank?
The traffic rank is based on three months of aggregated historical traffic
data from millions of Alexa Toolbar users and is a combined measure of page
views and users (reach).
As a first step, Alexa computes the reach and number of page views for all
sites on the Web on a daily basis. The main Alexa traffic rank is based on the
geometric mean of these two quantities averaged over time (so that the rank of
a site reflects both the number of users who visit that site as well as the
number of pages on the site viewed by those users). The three-month change is
determined by comparing the site's current rank with its rank from three
months ago. For example, on July 1, the three-month change would show the
difference between the rank based on traffic during the first quarter of the
year and the rank based on traffic during the second quarter.
What are sites and Web hosts?
Traffic is computed for sites, which are typically defined at the domain
level. For example, the Web hosts www.msn.com, carpoint.msn.com and
slate.msn.com are all treated as part of the same site, because they all
reside on the same domain, msn.com. An exception is personal home pages, which
are treated separately if they can be automatically identified as such from
the URLs in question. Also, sites which are found to be serving the "same"
content are generally counted together as the same site.
What is Reach?
Reach measures the number of users. Reach is typically expressed as the
percentage of all Internet users who visit a given site. So, for example, if a
site like yahoo.com has a reach of 28%, this means that if you took random
samples of one million Internet users, you would on average find that 280,000
of them visit yahoo.com.
Alexa expresses reach as number of users per million. Alexa's one-week and
three-month average reach are measures of daily reach, averaged over the
specified time period.
The reach rank is a ranking of all sites based solely on their reach.
The three-month changes are determined by comparing a site's current reach and
reach rank with its values from three month ago.
What are Page Views?
Page views measure the number of pages viewed by Alexa Toolbar users. Multiple
page views of the same page made by the same user on the same day are counted
only once. The page views per user numbers are the average numbers of unique
pages viewed per user per day by the users visiting the site. The page view
rank is a ranking of all sites based solely on the total number of page views
(not page views per user).
The three-month changes are determined by comparing a site's current page view
numbers with those from three month ago.
Page views per million indicates what fraction of all the page views by
toolbar users go to a particular site. For example, if yahoo.com has 70,000
page views per million, this means that 7% of all page views go to yahoo.com.
If you summed the fractional page views over all sites, you would get 100%
(this is not true of reach, since each user can of course visit more than one
How Are Traffic Trend Graphs Calculated?
The Trend graph shows you a three-day moving average of the site's daily
traffic rank, charted over time. The daily traffic rank reflects the traffic
to the site based on data for a single day. In contrast, the main traffic rank
shown in the Alexa Toolbar and elsewhere in the service is calculated from
three months of aggregate traffic data.
Daily traffic rankings will sometimes benefit sites with sporadically high
traffic, while the three-month traffic ranking benefits sites with consistent
traffic over time. Since we feel that consistent traffic is a better
indication of a site's value, we've chosen to use the three-month traffic rank
to represent the site's overall popularity. We use the daily traffic rank in
the Trend graphs because it allows you to see short-term fluctuations in
traffic much more clearly.
It is possible for a site's three-month traffic rank to be higher than any
single daily rank shown in the Trend graph. On any given day there may be many
sites that temporarily shoot up in the rankings. But if a site has consistent
traffic performance, it may end up with the best ranking when the traffic data
are aggregated into the three-month average. A good analogy is a four-day golf
tournament: if a different player comes in first at each match, but you come
in second at all four matches, you can end up winning the tournament.
How are Movers & Shakers Calculated?
The movers and shakers list is based on changes in average reach (numbers of
For each site on the net, we compute the average weekly reach and compare it
with the average reach during previous weeks. The more significant the change,
the higher the site will be on the list. The percent change shown on the
Movers & Shakers list is based on the change in reach. It is important to note
that the traffic rankings shown on the Movers & Shakers page are weekly
traffic rankings; they are not the same as the three-month average traffic
rankings shown in the other Alexa services and are not the same as the reach
numbers used to generate the list.
Some Important Disclaimers
The traffic data are based on the set of Alexa users, which may not be a
representative sample of the global Internet population. Known biases include
(but are likely not limited to) the following:
Our users are disproportionately likely to visit alexa.com, amazon.com and
archive.org, and traffic to these sites may be substantially overcounted.
The Alexa Toolbar works only with the Internet Explorer browser. Sites
frequented mainly by users of other browsers will be undercounted. For
example, the AOL/Netscape browser is not supported, which means that Alexa
collects little data from AOL users, and our traffic to aol.com is likely
lower than it would be for a more representative sample.
The Alexa Toolbar works only on Windows operating systems. Although a large
majority of the Internet population currently used Windows, traffic to any
sites which are disproportionately visited by users of other operating systems
will be undercounted.
The rate of adoption of Alexa software in different parts of the world may
vary widely due to advertising locality, language, and other geographic and
cultural factors. For example, to some extent the prominence of Korean sites
among our top-ranked sites reflects known high rates of general Internet usage
in South Korea, but there may also be a disproportionate number of Korean
Alexa users.
In some cases traffic data may also be adversely affected by our "site"
With tens of millions of hosts on the Internet, our automated procedures for
determining which hosts are serving the "same" content may be incorrect and/or
out-of-date. Similarly, the determinations of domains and home pages may not
always be accurate. When these determinations change (as they do
periodically), there may be sudden artificial changes in the Alexa traffic
rankings for some sites as a consequence.
The Alexa Toolbar turns itself off on secure pages (https:).
Sites with secure page views will be under-represented in the Alexa traffic
In addition to the biases above, the Alexa user base is only a sample of the
Internet population, and sites with relatively low traffic will not be
accurately ranked by Alexa due to the statistical limitations of the sample.
Alexa's data come from a large sample of several million Alexa Toolbar users;
however, this is not large enough to accurately determine the rankings of
sites with fewer than roughly 1,000 total monthly visitors. Generally, Traffic
Rankings of 100,000+ should be regarded as not reliable because the amount of
data we receive is not statistically significant. Conversely, the more traffic
a site receives
(the closer it gets to the number 1 position), the more reliable its Traffic
Ranking becomes.
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Imati dobre web stranice danas je gotovo neizbježno za bilo koju tvrtku ili organizaciju koja želi biti prisutna na tržištu. Evo nekoliko razloga zašto bi tvrtka trebala imati web stranice:
Dostupnost 24/7: Web stranice su dostupne 24 sata dnevno, 7 dana u tjednu, što omogućuje kupcima da se informiraju o proizvodima i uslugama tvrtke u bilo koje vrijeme.
Povećanje vidljivosti: Web stranice mogu pomoći tvrtkama da budu vidljivije na internetu, što može povećati broj posjetitelja i potencijalnih kupaca.
Predstavljanje tvrtke: Web stranice omogućuju tvrtkama da predstave svoje proizvode i usluge, povijest tvrtke, misiju i viziju, te da se razlikuju od konkurencije.
Komunikacija s kupcima: Web stranice omogućuju tvrtkama da komuniciraju s kupcima putem e-pošte, chatova, obrazaca za kontakt, društvenih mreža i drugih kanala komunikacije.
Prodaja proizvoda i usluga: Web stranice omogućuju tvrtkama da prodaju svoje proizvode i usluge online, što može biti vrlo profitabilno i prikladno za kupce.
Branding: Web stranice su važan alat za branding tvrtke, jer mogu pomoći u izgradnji prepoznatljivosti brenda, te u stvaranju pozitivne percepcije o tvrtki i njezinim proizvodima i uslugama.
Analitika i praćenje rezultata: Web stranice omogućuju tvrtkama da prate i analiziraju posjetitelje, te da bolje razumiju svoje kupce i poboljšaju svoje marketinške aktivnosti.
Sve u svemu, web stranice su važan alat za tvrtke koje žele biti konkurentne na tržištu, te komunicirati i prodavati svoje proizvode i usluge na najučinkovitiji način.
Link na našu ponudu za izradu web stranica - Provjerite!
Poslovni forum d.o.o. - Trgovačko društvo za informatiku i poslovne usluge
Samostalna izrada web stranica. U svega nekoliko minuta, kreirajte vrhunsku web stranicu uz pomoć našeg CMS-a. Prekrasni dizajni za Vašu web-stranicu. Korištenje administracije slično je kao Facebooka, ne zahtjeva znanje kodiranja i programiranja. Započnite pisati, dodajte nekoliko fotografija te ostvarite svoju prvu web stranicu u trenu. Mijenjajte dizajn svoje stranice s lakoćom. Kreirajte web stranicu svoje tvrtke, web stranicu obrta, web stranicu udruge, započnite pisati blog...
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