Poslovna informatika Pregledi poslovnih i internet usluga

Želite poboljšati svoje poslovanje, povećati prodaju? Imate sve manje kupaca? Slaba je potražnja za vašim uslugama? Opada vam promet i dobit? Svakim danom imate sve manje posla? Provjerite ponudu naših marketing usluga. Izrada web stranica, cijena vrlo povoljna.
Link na pregled ponude - Poslovne usluge za poduzetnike


Izrada web stranica po izuzetno povoljnim cijenama. Izrada internet stranica koje možete uvijek samostalno ažurirati bez ikakvih dodatnih troškova. Objavite neograničeni broj tekstova, objavite sve ponude, akcije, oglase, kataloge...
Link za opširnije informacije o povoljnoj izradi kvalitetnih CMS web stranica


Potražite sve informacije o poslovanju u Hrvatskoj, pravne, porezne i druge savjete, informacije o internet oglašavanju i marketingu, rezultate istraživanja tržišta, poslovne analize, informacije o kreditima za poduzetnike, poticajima...
Kontaktirajte nas ukoliko su Vam potrebne poslovne informacije


Korisni primjeri ugovora, obrasci, primjeri poslovnih planova, imenici za direktni marketing, usluga sastavljanja imenika i baza podataka po Vašim potrebama, pretraživanje baza podataka, trgovačko zastupanje i posredovanje...
Informirajte se o našim uslugama - Isplati se!




Izrada CMS web stranica po izuzetno povoljnim cijenama, internet stranica koje možete uvjek samostalno ažurirati bez ikakvih dodatnih troškova, objavljivati neograničeni broj tekstova... Predstavite Vašu tvrtku, objavite sve ponude, akcije, detaljni pregled svih proizvoda...
Hosting na Windows serverima HOSTING PONUDA
Web hosting je usluga iznajmljivanja diskovnog prostora i pripadajućih serverskih resursa za smještaj web stranica na web poslužitelju i za korištenje e-maila. Najpovoljnije cijene web hostinga. (Windows hosting)
Želite li biti pronađeni, nužno je da imate veliki broj pojedinačnih stranica, a na svakoj da se što je više moguće spominju ključne riječi koje opisuju Vašu djelatnost ili usluge.
Izrada aplikacija za prodaju proizvoda i usluga putem Interneta. Uključena offline plaćanja kao ponuda, ček, pouzećem. Potpuna podrška za online plaćanja karticom (2CheckOut, WorldPay)
Za turističke agencije, hotele, motele, kampove, iznajmljivače apartmana sa većim brojem apartmana... Internet aplikacija za prezentaciju i rezervacijski sustav za turističku ponudu, apartmane i hotele.
Besplatna registracija domena BESPLATNE HR DOMENE
Želite li kratku i lako pamtljivu web adresu ili ćete jednog dana uzeti ostatke ostataka, domene koje uopće nije lako zapamtiti niti napisati?! Besplatna registracija domena i parking stranica.
Povoljno izrađujemo kvalitetne investicijske projekte i poslovne planove za kredite kako bi poduzetnik kvalitetno sagledao sve aspekte ulaganja i postigao najveći profit u realizaciji.
Marketing zahtjeva kontinuiranu analizu, istraživanje, planiranje i praćenje rezultata uporabom standardnih i alternativnih metoda. Nisu najvažnija velika novčana ulaganja, već znanje i ideje.
Istraživanja tržišta za potrebe: segmentacije tržišta (image proizvoda i marke, poznavanje i korištenje, zadovoljstvo potrošača), razvoja proizvoda, prodaje, promidžbene kampanje...
Stalni ugovorni korisnici STALNI KORISNICI
Upis korisnika (tgovačkog društva ili obrta) u poslovnu bazu podataka i kreiranje napredne web prezentacije na našem sustavu sa mogućnošću predstavljanja.
Trgovačko posredovanje TRG. POSREDOVANJE
Trgovačkim posredovanjem Poslovni forum nastoji naći i dovesti u vezu s nalogodavcem tvrtku ili osobu, koja bi s njim pregovarala o sklapanju određenog ugovora za proizvode ili usluge.
Press clipping je selektivno i kontinuirano praćenje, razvrstavanje i spremanje informacija iz medija prema unaprijed zadanim kriterijima. Praćenje konkurencije, pregled vijesti, medija...
Gotovi primjeri ugovora prilagođeni konkretnim potrebama; kupoprodajni ugovori, ugovori o poslovnoj suradnji, ugovori o radu, ugovori o prijevozu, najmu, kreditu, gradnji...
Adresari i imenici ADRESARI - IMENICI
Poslovni imenici (adresari) sadrže ažurirane podatke o svim poslovnim subjektima u Hrvatskoj (trgovačka društva, obrtnici, državna uprava, udruge, sindikati i zaklade i dr.). Web imenik.
Primjeri poslovnih planova PRIMJERI ELABORATA
Upute za samostalnu izradu poslovnih planova (krediti, elaborati) sastavljene od stručnog tima Poslovnog foruma. Gotovi primjeri poslovnih planova za traženje kredita za različite poslovne namjene i iznose.

svih objavljenih tekstova

Ažurirano: 10. 2. 2025.


Naručite izradu modernih web stranica. U svega nekoliko minuta, kreirajte vrhunsku web stranicu uz pomoć naših CMS web stranica. Moderni dizajni za Vaše web stranice. Korištenje CMS web stranica slično je kao korištenje Facebooka, ne zahtjeva znanje kodiranja i programiranja. Započnite pisati, dodajte nekoliko fotografija i imate brzo svoju prvu web stranicu. Mijenjajte dizajn svoje stranice s lakoćom. Kreirajte web stranicu svoje tvrtke, web stranicu obrta, web stranicu udruge, započnite pisati blog...

Mobilna responzivnost web stranica je prilagođavanje web stranice svim preglednicima (mobitel, tablet, računalo) i mora se implementirati na sve web stranice. Besplatna optimizacija za tražilice; SEO optimizacija omogućava vašoj web stranici da se prikazuje u prvih deset rezultata na tražilicama za pojmove koje pretražuju vaši budući kupci.

Dizajn responzivnih web stranica, registracija domene, izrada CMS stranica, ugradnja web shopa, implementacija plaćanja karticama, ugradnja Google analyticsa, siguran hosting, prijava na tražilice, reklama na društvenim mrežama, ugradnja kontakt formulara za upite sa web stranica...

Iskoristite ponudu: izrada web stranica i hosting po najnižim cijenama. Besplatna prijava na tražilice, besplatni e-mail, besplatna .hr domena, besplatna podrška za internet marketing...



Link na brzi pregled poslovnih i internet usluga

KOMPLETNI PREGLED > Business > Accounting & Finance
AcQuest 1065 Solution 2005  v. 1.00
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: AcQuest Programming Solutions - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 28.00 US
Opis: AcQuest 1065 Solution 2005 is designed to run on Windows 95, 98, Me, & XP. It will prepare federal Form 1065, U.S. Return of Partnership Income, K-1's, Sch D, 4562, 4797, 8825, & Deprn Schs with the unregistered version limitation that data can be printed but not saved.
Opširnije >>
AcQuest 1120 Solution 2005  v. 1.00
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: AcQuest Programming Solutions - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 25.00 US
Opis: AcQuest 1120 Solution 2005 is designed to run on Windows 95, 98, Me, & XP. It will prepare federal Form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return, Sch D, 4562, 4797, & Deprn Schs, with the unregistered version limitation that data can be printed but not saved.
Opširnije >>
AcQuest 1120S Solution 2005  v. 1.00
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: AcQuest Programming Solutions - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 28.00 US
Opis: AcQuest 1120S Solution 2005 is designed to run on Windows 95, 98, ME, & XP. It will prepare federal Form 1120S, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return for an S Corporation, K-1's, Sch D, 4562, 4797, 8825, & Deprn Schs, with the unregistered version limitation that data can be printed but not saved.
Opširnije >>
AcQuest Pro Depreciation  v. 5.06
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: AcQuest Programming Solutions - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 125.00 US
Opis: Designed to run on Windows 95, 98, Me, & XP. It will calculate federal, GAAP, state, AMT, and ACE depreciation for multiple companies, with the unregistered version limitation that open years cannot be rolled forward. Supports most methods, including MACRS, straight line, declining-balance, amortization, and units of production.
Opširnije >>
AnyMini C: Character Count Program  v. 5
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: AIT Character Count Programs Team - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 23.00 US
Opis: AnyMini C is automatic character count software. It is character count program for all common file formats, which supports .DOC, .RTF, .XLS, .PPT, .PPS, .HTM, .CSV, . After character count is completed, you can: view character count results on the screen; print character count results; export character count results into Text, HTML, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Rich Text Format, PDF.
Opširnije >>
AnyMini L: Line Count Program  v. 5
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: AIT Line Count Programs Team - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 23.00 US
Opis: AnyMini L is automatic line count software. It is line count program for all common file formats, which supports .DOC, .RTF, .XLS, .PPT, .PPS, .HTM, .CSV, .PDF, .TXT, .XML, .MIF, .WPD, .ZIP and is powered by AnyCount Text Count Engine. After line count is completed, you can: view line count results on the screen; print line count results; export line count results into Text, HTML, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Rich Text Format, PDF.
Opširnije >>
AnyMini W: Word Count Program  v. 5
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: AIT Word Count Programs Team - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 23.00 US
Opis: AnyMini W is automatic word count software. It is word count program for all common file formats, which supports .DOC, .RTF, .XLS, .PPT, .PPS, .HTM, .CSV, .PDF, .TXT, .ZIP and is powered by AnyCount Text Count Engine. After word count is completed, you can: view word count results on the screen; print word count results; export word count results into Text, HTML, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Rich Text Format, PDF.
Opširnije >>
Artemis Accounts - Plus+  v. 2.82
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Aquila Technology - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 420.00 US
Opis: This highly functional accounts system allows novice users to handle all aspects of a companys accounts from Nominal or General Ledger through Purchasing, Inventory Control, Sales Invoicing, and Cashbook and Bank Account maintenance. With over 150 functions and reports, it compares to systems costing three times as much. It can be expanded to multi user mode by the addition of a Server Pack which is available for download.
Opširnije >>
Audit Routines in Scriptbasic  v. 1.2
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: EZ-R Stats, LLC - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Commonly used audit routines in script basic: data extraction, CMA sampling, file totals, population totals, unusual fluctuations...
Opširnije >>
Bill Central Time Billing  v. 2004
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Integratech Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 99.00 US
Opis: Bill Central is a comprehensive Time Billing system designed to let you be more productive at what you do best - generate revenue. Bill Central enables you to track and bill for your daily time and expense charges, while having the added flexibility of practice management reporting and the ability to analyze the effectiveness of your staff's operations and billing procedures.
Opširnije >>
BPA Restaurant Professional  v. 8.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Business Software Solutions, Inc. - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 70.00 US
Opis: Business Plus Accounting Restaurant Professional 8.0 is a complete Restaurant Point of Sale System built on top of a complete business accounting system. This means in addition to running your restaurant floor, BPA Restaurant Pro can help you track your inventory, your accounts receivable, your accounts payable, it can help balance your bank account, and much more!
Opširnije >>
BS1 Accounting  v. 2007.1
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Davis Business Systems Ltd. - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 99.00 US
Opis: Accounting Software: General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory, and Sales Analysis. Sample data is provided and there is an optional Getting Started wizard to assist with entering initial live data. The wizard sets up common GL accounts which can later be changed, deleted, or added to.
Opširnije >>
BS1 General Ledger  v. 2007.2
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Davis Business Systems Ltd. - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 49.00 US
Opis: BS/1 General Ledger tracks budget and actual financial data to produce financial statements such as an Income Statement and Balance Sheet, the Trial Balance report, and General Ledger (detail) report. Sample data is provided and there is an optional Getting Started wizard to assist with entering initial live data. The wizard sets up common GL accounts which can later be changed, deleted, or added to.
Opširnije >>
CeBuSoft Accounting Information System  v. 1.01
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Cebu Business Software Solutions - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Accounting Information System - Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Inventory System and Bank Reconciliation.
Opširnije >>
Checkbook Ease Freeware  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: CheckbookEase - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: CHECKBOOK EASE Freeware Checkbook/Budget, one beautiful window with 20 color backgrounds. Single window, allows view of checkbook register and family budget and balances while entering transactions. Easy checkbook balancing and printing. Budget is the envelope system, allowing carry over of money to the next month. Powerful search, user can recall prior bank statements, sum budget categories for any period of time and transaction search.
Opširnije >>
ChequePRO Cheque Printing Writing System  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: ADVANCED & BEST PRODUCTS PTE LTD - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 50.00 US
Opis: The ChequePRO (Cheque Printing writing Software) program helps you to print on any bank cheque, and manage your customer and bank information pro actively.
Opširnije >>
ChequeSystem Electronic Cheque Writer  v. 1.4.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Evinco Solutions Limited - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 97.50 US
Opis: ChequeSystem provides more than a cheque writer. You are no need to write any, just print and sign it. All issued cheques are kept in records. Account report and payee report provides complete cheque issued history on bank a/c and payee. You can download cheque templates from server or use built-in design tools to arrange cheque layout. ChequeSystem provides batch printing function and supports different types of printers.
Opširnije >>
Collect Magic  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Progexe - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 70.00 US
Opis: Collection System for Small Accounts to contact and call for overdue invoices. Get one FREE collection by a professional collection agency for trying Collect Magic!
Opširnije >>
Computers Hall  v. 3.05
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: AstrumSoft - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 100.00 US
Opis: Complete solution for management and automation of work of computer clubs, Internet cafes, cyber cafes, gaming centers. Main goals: control of the paid time, control of the work of managers. The computers are locked if the money were not paid for the work with them. Advanced reports, well protected from changing. Simplification of managers work. Multi-language interface: English, Russian, Ukrainian, German, Lettish, Lithuanian are available.
Opširnije >>
Customer Invoice Template  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Business Spreadsheets - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 26.00 US
Opis: The Customer Invoicing Template is an Excel invoice template with the ability to store invoices, products and customers and perform advanced invoice sales reporting. The database structure of the invoice system allows the insertion, update and quick access to saved products, customers, and historical customer invoices. Product and customer lists can be imported from and exported back to text lists enabling integration with existing systems.
Opširnije >>
Delta60 Accounting Software  v. 6.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Business Services Co. - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Delta60 has a new graphical user interface and built-in email support. Delta60 is an integrated Accounting Software Package that includes: A/R, A/P, Invoicing, Inventory, Payroll and General Ledger. Delta60 emphasizes strong reporting and with the new interface is faster and easier to use.
Opširnije >>
DTA-Ueberweisung  v. 4.5.2
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: JAM Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 35.95 US
Opis: German application to perform wire transfers.
Opširnije >>
Easy Invoice Program - Free Download  v. 6.00
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: POS-GOLD Software Program - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Easy to setup, and easy to learn program with powerful features. Product Sales, Services and Professional Invoice format, Quote, Packing-List, Sales History, Inventory, Customer Pricing, Bar Code Scan, Excel and Quickbook Interfaces, Product Photos and Customer's Photos, Network Option, Option to send Invoice by e-mail, Line and Total level Discount, ample Notes at line and at total levels, Help screens, Security, Features for International Use.
Opširnije >>
Easy POS 4 BUSINESS Point of Sale - Free Download  v. 5.17
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: POS-GOLD Software Program - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Easy to setup, and very easy to learn POS system with powerful features. Point-of-Sale, Quote, Invoice, Receipt, Packing List, Customer Sales History, Inventory, Bar Code Scan, Product Word Search, Customer Phone Search, Receipt Printer with open CashDrawer, Print Labels, Mailing Lists, Various Reports, Download Reports to Excel, Network, Security and Touch-Screen POS option. - Long-term free evaluation period to make sure you are in business.
Opširnije >>
EasyBilling Maker of Sales Document  v. 1.7.2
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Evinco Solutions Limited - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 32.00 US
Opis: Create professional sales documents, Quotations, Invoices, Receipts and Delivery Note. You just pick customer and items, EasyBilling will finishes layout and the rest. You can also put your company logo and other info into the documents. The newly added features, Stamp, allows you stamp your documents with Urgent, Revised, Private or any you want. The document and statistical reports can be generated in PDF format and print freely.
Opširnije >>
Excel Invoice Manager Enterprise  v. 2.5.1009
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Billing Software Office-Kit.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 129.00 US
Opis: This is a billing software based on Excel invoice templates and databases. This edition of the billing software supports unlimited number of companies and networking, as well as custom fields that allows the billing software to create invoices with any number of columns and fields. Because the billing software is based on Excel invoice templates, you can easily customize it by dragging and dropping.
Opširnije >>
Exl-Plan Free  v. 2.72
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: PlanWare - Invest-Tech Limited - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Business plan projections for startups and established businesses. For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Exl-Plan generates fully-integrated two-year projections (P&Ls, cashflow statements, balance sheets, ratio analyses etc.) based on annual assumptions. Combined US/Canadian and UK/International formats. Other versions and editions also available.
Opširnije >>
Exl-Plan Free (UK-I)  v. 2.7
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: PlanWare - Invest-Tech Limited - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Business plan projections for startups and established businesses. For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Exl-Plan generates fully-integrated two-year projections (P&Ls, cashflow statements, balance sheets, ratio analyses etc.) based on annual assumptions. Combined US/Canadian and UK/International formats. Other versions and editions also available.
Opširnije >>
Exl-Plan Free (US-C)  v. 2.7
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: PlanWare - Invest-Tech Limited - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Business plan projections for startups and established businesses. For business plans, budgets, strategic planning, raising finance etc. Exl-Plan generates fully-integrated two-year projections (P&Ls, cashflow statements, balance sheets, ratio analyses etc.) based on annual assumptions. Combined US/Canadian and UK/International formats. Other versions and editions also available.
Opširnije >>
EZ-R Excel  v. .94
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: EZ-R Stats, LLC - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: The function of the program is to make statistical analysis easier, hence the name (Easier Excel). The program facilitates and supports data analysis by providing numerous tools and charts, leveraging the facilities within MS-Excel.EZ-R Excel has been tested with Excel 2003 and Windows XP. This routine is available at no charge, and may be used for any purpose, including personal and commercial.
Opširnije >>
FamilyCheckBook  v. 1.00
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: JM Computing - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 15.00 US
Opis: FamilyCheckBook is a multiple user, simple, easy to use money management and expense tracking tool. Manage all your accounts, track spending habits, transfer among accounts, create reports, and protect your data with password in an easy way. Entering transactions is much like writing a check. With a couple of mouse clicks you can create a report, or switch to another account. Each user can define his own password to protect the data.
Opširnije >>
Features of KingSmart Hotel Software  v. 2003
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: ComPower Technology Australia - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: KingSmart hotel software offers hotel property management systems, hotel management software, reservation software, hotel POS software and hotel back office Accounting, Inventory and Payroll software to hotel, restaurant, leisure businesses. The hotel software supports hospitality business by offering tools for marketing and daily operations as well as management and planning.
Opširnije >>
FF Billing Manager Pro Deluxe  v. 4
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: M & R Technologies, Inc. - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 129.00 US
Opis: Voted Best Business Program and numerous other awards! New version 4 adds PDF support, shaded form options, compressed backups/restore, importing/exporting and much more! EASY TO USE! Features unlimited invoices/ payments/ customers/ products, multiple companies w/ separate data files, International date support, custom sort fields, partial payments, deposits on account, repeat billings and much more!
Opširnije >>
Hodoman Timer :: Internet Cafe Software  v. 6.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: IntelliSoft SRL - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 200.00 US
Opis: Hodoman Timer is a complete and fully customizable Internet Cafe Software, Cyber Cafe Software, based on a client-server architecture.The client application resides on each computer station in your network. It provides your customers access to the groups of applications you define and to those applications you specify for each group. The server will run in background on the computer you install it on and can be controlled through a web interface.
Opširnije >>
Investment and Business Valuation  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Business Spreadsheets - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 26.00 US
Opis: The Investment and Business Valuation template is ideal for evaluating a wide range of investment, and business case scenarios. While it is based on the traditional DCF method of valuation, its also provides ability to evaluate economic value added valuation, accounting impact, and a range of other evaluation parameters. Furthermore, the step-by-step input flow makes usage straightforward, gaining quick results to drive decision making.
Opširnije >>
Invoice! Lite  v. 4.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: BLS Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 99.95 US
Opis: Invoice! Lite is an easy-to-learn system for creating invoices and producing reports. The intuitive interface lets you complete forms to build invoices, calling on databases of customers and products that are similarly easy to update and maintain. Invoice! Lite has straight-forward, preformatted, previewable reports for salesmen, taxes, picklists, low inventory, and more. It can print attractive invoices with logos on plain paper.
Opširnije >>
kBilling - Invoice Software  v. 1.3.82
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: K Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 99.00 US
Opis: Billing software that allows you to easily manage your customers, invoices, contacts, subscriptions and products from one extremely easy to use interface. Professional invoice generation in PDF, image and HTML format, customer account tracking, customizable reports and more! kBilling is free to use for 30 days!! Try kBilling, join the growing community and submit your own feature requests!
Opširnije >>
kCharge  v. 2.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: K Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 79.00 US
Opis: kCharge is a powerful Windows application that provides a fast, safe, and secure way to process incoming credit card payments on your PC. kCharge works with your existing credit card merchant account and all of the major Internet gateways to provide real-time approval of your customers...
Opširnije >>
KingSmart Hotel Software  v. 2003/2005
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: ComPower Technology Australia - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: KingSmart Hotel Software 2003/2005 offers Hotel Property Management Systems, Hotel Management software, Reservation Software, Hotel, Restaurant, Spa and Conferences POS software and Hotel Back Office Accounting, Stock and Payroll software to hotel, restaurant, leisure businesses. Download KingSmart HPMS and POS Standard 2005 or visit compw.com for more hotel software products.
Opširnije >>
KingSmart Hotel Systems  v. 2005
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: ComPower Technology Australia - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: KingSmart Hotel Systems Suite 2005 offers Hotel Property Management Systems, hotel management software, reservation software, Restaurant, Spa and Conferences POS software and hotel back office Accounting, Stock and Payroll software to hotel, restaurant, leisure businesses. Download KingSmart HPMS and POS Standard 2005.
Opširnije >>
Merops  v. 6.012
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Merops - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 10.00 US
Opis: Merops is an advanced tool for the management of your French portfolios. You can easily track the evolution of your investments, giving you the latest available quotes automatically (delayed 15 minutes). 5 years charts history of your stocks. Multi-portfolios. Multi-currencies (Euro, Dollar, Swiss Franc, English Pound). Risk management. 20 indicators of technical analysis...
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My bank account  v. 2005
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Emjysoft - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Manage easily and safely your personal bank accounts (accounting) It is complete software for bank account management and personal assistant. His user friendly-interface makes it a simple, powerful, fast and safe tool. The input of transactions is made quickly and safely (automatic back up).The software can manage an unlimited number of users and accounts. So each user can own his personal accounts. Manage one's accounts has never been so easy!
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My Cleaning Business  v. 4.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: RB59.COM Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.99 US
Opis: This is for anyone who owns a small cleaning business that wants to keep track of their clients in a more organized way.Now you can easily record and view info on every cleaning job you have done. Plus view and print out detailed records andcharts. Plus, Keep track of money paid and money still owed from individual customers and more features.
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PayWindow Payroll System  v. 4.0.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: ZPAY Payroll Systems, Inc. - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 69.95 US
Opis: Winner of Best Business Application Award at the 2003 Shareware Industry Conference Awards. Pay by any pay period; hourly, salaried, commissioned, non-employee workers; prints Checks, 941, W2s, 1099-MISC forms and reports galore! Built-in data backup and restore with file compression. You can pay an employee in as little as three clicks of the mouse! 20 years of experience make this the most user friendly and easiest to use payroll ever.
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Pro Repo ACV  v. 5.06
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Marr Software - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 55.00 US
Opis: Corporate Repossession and Skip Tracing Resources Software. Accurately manages the finances that keep your Company running smoothly with ProRepo including all paperwork involved. With a flexible system for entering transactions, managing multiple accounts, and producing reports, ProRepo is the ultimate tool for managing all of the financial details involved in running a Repossession Company.
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Pro Tow XTR  v. 7.30
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Marr Software - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 55.00 US
Opis: Pro Tow Towing software solutions for the Towing industry including, Complete Towing Map Solution, Professional Towing Lot Management,Professional Lien Letter Processing, Towing Truck Management, Two Towing Dispatch Interfaces, Towing Mileage Calculations, Towing Estimated Time of Arrival, Tow Reports, VIN Look Up, Organized Towing Records Management, Works with Quick Books, Accounting System Designed for Towing Companies,
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ProprioSoft  v. 3.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: ProprioSoft - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 79.95 US
Opis: Property Management Software to help you keep track of landlords, buildings, units, active and inactive tenants, appliances, work orders, recurring and non-recurring expenses and incomes, two-level expense and income accounts and payees, invoices and receipts. Client-Server version available.
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Real Option Valuation  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Business Spreadsheets - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 26.00 US
Opis: The Real Option Valuation model encompasses a suite of option pricing tools to quantify the embedded strategic value for a range of financial analysis and investment scenarios. Traditional discounted cash flow investment analysis will only accept an investment if the returns on the project exceed the hurdle rate. While this is a worthwhile exercise, it fails to consider the myriad of strategic options that are associated with many investments.
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Reconcile Query Wizard Add-In For Access  v. 1.2
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: BlackIron Financial Systems - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Free utility to build a reconciliation query that identifies differences between two tables in Access. Easy-to-use wizard guides you through the simple steps to build your reconciliation query.
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SELLmatix Control  v.
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Himatix.com - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Controls up to 64 SELLmatix POS Terminals in Retail Stores and Restaurants automatically updating masterfiles and retrieving transactions. Provides inventory and customer maintenance, prints barcodes, shelf labels, clerk cards, customer cards etc. SELLmatix supports up to 5 price levels which can be used at the same time in different locations in the store and up to 9 Bar and Kitchen Printers allowing orders to print at more than 1 location.
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SELLmatix PocketPos  v.
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Himatix.com - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Point of Sale POS on Pocket PC in Restaurants sending orders to Kitchen and Bar printers by WiFi network connection for improved customer service and profitability. Very fast and easy to navigate. Most items can be sold with 3 taps of the stylus, with no need to navigate multiple levels of confusing icons. Automatic update from controller that requires no re-programming when menus change, even while sales are being processed.
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SELLmatix POS  v.
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Himatix.com - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: SELLmatix Point of Sale Software for Retailers and Restaurants uses Touch Screens, Keyboards, Barcode Scanners and Electronic Scales and requires minimal training due to Cash Register liike operation, and this results in extremely fast operation with minimal user input. SELLmatix POS uses low cost industry standard components for reduced cost and improved reliabilty and maintenance cost, and all technical information is available online.
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Simply Invoice Software  v.
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Simply Software - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 89.99 US
Opis: Simply Invoice software makes invoicing, quoting, contact management, stock or inventory control and basic accounts easy to manage. Designed to run small to medium sized businesses, Simply Invoice is fully network enabled upto 255 users/computers. Let Simply Invoice help run your businesses smoothly and efficiently.
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Star Quotes  v. 1.55
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Starre Enterprises, Inc. - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.00 US
Opis: Star Quotes is a simple yet powerful program used to make the process of typing up and printing quotes / estimates easy. There are many features that simplify the whole process of creating and printing Quotes. It saves all your different customer and items so you do not have to re-key these every time which makes Quote creation so much easier.
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Tax Savings Special Report  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Pathfinder Business Strategies, LLC - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: This tax secrets special report delivers information about tax savings and asset protection that will help you save money on your taxes and avoid falling victim to lawsuits. Learn how to keep more of what you earn and protect yourself from predators. The majority of Americans are drastically overpaying their taxes. This report identifies the tax deduction strategies used by the rich to only pay single digit taxes.
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The Consultants Partner  v. 3.0
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: ON-Q Software, Inc. - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 125.00 US
Opis: The Consultant's Partner(TCP), has been designed with the consulting professional in mind. The software provides a centralized location for the daily administration of the services your buisness renders, the time consumed in performing these tasks, and the preparation and maintenance of invoices and receivables. TCP also supplies its users with complete tracking of prospects, contacts, letters, business notes, appointments, messages and more.
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Timesheets Lite  v. 2.2.22
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Timesheets MTS Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.00 US
Opis: Timesheets Lite is a multi user timesheet program for companies that bill their employees time on an hourly basis. This could include accountancy firms, consultants, or contractors. It enables companies to create projects in the software, create employees in the software, and then allow those employees to book their time against the projects.
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TinyBooks  v. 4.0.2
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Space-Time Associates - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 49.00 US
Opis: TinyBooks is a simple, flexible, non-bloated, single-entry bookkeeping and accounting system for the Macintosh. It's designed for Sole Proprietors, Home, and Small Businesses. TinyBooks is the simplest way to handle the books for most small companies. You enter your expenses and income, TinyBooks does the rest. Current and year-to-date on-the-fly totals, fully automatic bar-charting, invoices, reporting, support for taxes, etc.
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TurboCASH  v. 3.7.4
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Dynamic Bottom Lines - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: TurboCASH is the world's most popular FREE fully featured, multi-company, multi-user accounting system. Unlike other accounting software, TurboCASH is free of copy protection, annual licence fees and forced support contracts. Join over 30 000 businesses successfully using TurboCASH. TurboCASH modules include: General Ledger, Cashbook, Customers, Suppliers, Inventory, Report Writer, Point of Sale, Payroll and eCommerce.
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United States ZIP Code Database (Basic Edition)  v. December 2
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: ZIPCodeWorld.com - Vrsta: Data Only - Cijena: 19.95 US
Opis: United States ZIP codes database one month subscription service. The database includes ZIP code, city name, state code and phone area code in United States. The complete database contains over 42 thousand precise records. Immediate download available in several formats ie. ASCII text, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access and dBASE V. One year subscription available at reduced rate.
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Venture Planning System Pro - VPSpro  v. 2
Kategorija: Business - Accounting & Finance - >>
Autor: Advantage Venture Systems Inc. - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 24.95 US
Opis: The VPSpro is an award winning step-by-step business plan software system, which guides entrepreneurs confidentially through the research of their project on-line and helps them analyse the feasibility of their business idea or expansion. The software produces a comprehensive set of three-year financial projections and then go on to auto-generate a full set of notes to the projections and step-by-step narrative to complete their plan.
Opširnije >>

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