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| CJENIK - PREGLED CIJENA NA HRVATSKOM TRŽIŠTU KOMPLETNI PREGLED > Communications > Fax Tools Program: 32bit Fax v. 9.91.01 Kategorija: Communications - Fax Tools - >> Autor: ElectraSoft - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 59.99 US Opis: Send/Receive fax from Single computer or Network. 32bit Fax for Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP is 32bit, and will work standalone or on a network. You can try it for FREE. If you have one fax modem and you want 1 - 1000 workstations to send/receive fax, 32bit Fax is the answer. The workstations can be any of the following version of Windows, mix and/or match, 95/98/ME/NT/2000/2003/XP. The server does not even have to be Windows. Opširnije >> Program: FaxAmatic v. 9.91.01 Kategorija: Communications - Fax Tools - >> Autor: ElectraSoft - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 59.99 US Opis: Send and Receive fax with single computer and modem or network with multiple modems. FaxAmatic will add a fax generating print driver to your system, giving you the ability to generate a fax from any document and send to any fax machine in the world. Popular with oil companies. The registered version will handle downhole well log image faxing. Opširnije >> Program: Gate-and-Way Fax v. 2.2 Kategorija: Communications - Fax Tools - >> Autor: Gate-and-Way - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 49.00 US Opis: The Gate-and-Way fax service allows you to use one or more faxmodems and one or more telephone lines to send and receive faxes. Any enabled user on the LAN can send faxes simply printing his documents to a virtual Windows printer, Incoming / Outgoing faxes will be routed to client's e-mail in PDF format. Other Gate-and-Way's modules: Mail, Fax, Internet, Voice, RAS. All them integrated and centrally managed. Opširnije >> Program: MightyFax v. 3.37 Kategorija: Communications - Fax Tools - >> Autor: RKS Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 19.95 US Opis: MightyFax is one of the world's most popular and user-friendly Windows fax software programs available today. MightyFax lets you send and receive faxes directly from Microsoft Word or any of your other Windows programs without the need for a fax machine. You can print incoming faxes as they are received. Scan anything you want and fax it using MightyFax. Setup is simple. Supports most fax modems usings its built in modem recognition database. Opširnije >> Program: NetCFax networked fax system v. 3.12 Kategorija: Communications - Fax Tools - >> Autor: NetCPlus Internet Solutions,Inc - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 199.95 US Opis: Fully networked fax server plus clients system that uses TCP/IP connectivity for all communication between server and clients. Clients can have access to just their own, or all faxes held on the server, depending on login rights they are assigned. Faxes can be sent and received by the server, and the use of multiple fax modems is fully supported. Received faxes can be easily routed to user accounts or even groups. Opširnije >> Program: PhoneWorks Pro v. 2004 Kategorija: Communications - Fax Tools - >> Autor: Pingram Marketing - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 119.95 US Opis: PhoneWorks 2004 is an easy-to-use and powerful telephone, voice mail answering system, and fax messaging solution for your PC. PhoneWorks 2004 Professional's new Optical Character Recognition (OCR) module enables you to easily turn your faxes into documents compatible with Microsoft Office Word, Excel and other popular applications. Opširnije >> Program: RelayFax Server v. 6.7.2 Kategorija: Communications - Fax Tools - >> Autor: Alt-N Technologies, Ltd. - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 205.00 US Opis: RelayFax is a powerful email-to-fax and fax-to-email fax server. RelayFax Pro automates the process of sending, receiving and managing your network fax traffic. By integrating into existing email systems, RelayFax provides full faxing capabilities from your desktop. Features include new fax engine, CAPI 2.0 support, DID routing, OCR inbound routing, SMTP client, fax scheduling, caller ID fax routing, and Outlook address book integration. Opširnije >> Program: VentaFax & Voice v. 5.71 Kategorija: Communications - Fax Tools - >> Autor: Venta Association - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 49.95 US Opis: VentaFax is a full-featured fax and answering machine program with color fax support. Send and receive faxes, and turns your PC's fax modem into a versatile answering machine with remote control. Retrieve your fax and voice messages from any touchtone phone, plus have your e-mail messages and faxes forwarded to you as e-mail attachments. VentaFax also supports Caller ID and allows you to record a telephone conversation with a single click. Opširnije >> Program: VentaFax Business v. 5.71 Kategorija: Communications - Fax Tools - >> Autor: Venta Association - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 79.95 US Opis: VentaFax is a full-featured fax and answering machine program with color fax support. Send and receive faxes, and turns your PC's fax modem into a versatile answering machine with remote control. Retrieve your fax and voice messages from any touchtone phone, plus have your e-mail messages and faxes forwarded to you as e-mail attachments. VentaFax also supports Caller ID and allows you to record a telephone conversation with a single click. Opširnije >> Program: Zetafax v. 2006 Kategorija: Communications - Fax Tools - >> Autor: DEK Software International - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 665.00 US Opis: Zetafax is a powerful software package which runs on a PC network (LAN). It allows users on the network to receive faxes on screen and send faxes straight from their PCs. It can merge a document onto a letterhead and generate a coversheet automatically if required before sending. Windows NT/2000/XP/2003 server compatible Opširnije >> KOMPLETNI PREGLED > Communications > Fax Tools Poslovni Forum d.o.o. je pokrenut od strane stručnjaka na području ekonomije, financija, prava i informatike, a nakon sveobuhvatne analize tržišta i poslovanja poslovnih subjekata, kako bi se uz korištenje suvremenih metoda i visoke tehnologije cjelovito pristupilo unapređenju poslovanja svih poslovnih subjekata na jednostavan i učinkovit način. Poslovni Forum okuplja stručnjake koji raspolažu potrebnim znanjima i koriste suvremenu tehnologiju, te stalni krug vanjskih suradnika za specifična znanja i potrebe. Osnovni zadatak Poslovnog Foruma je osigurati novu kvalitetu i standarde efikasnog tržišnog poslovanja kako bi se poduzetnicima omogućilo proširenje asortimana svojih proizvoda i usluga, kapaciteta i ukupnog prometa, kako bi svi djelatnici bili u u punoj mjeri zaposleni, omogućiti efikasnu i učinkovitu reklamu, te detaljno predstavljanje proizvoda i usluga svim zainteresiranima. Poslovni Forum omogućava i prikupljanje informacija o stanju na tržištu, analiza tržišta, pregled cijena i asortimana konkurencije, kvalitetnu izradu poslovnih planova i investicijskih projekata, te financiranje novih ulaganja, savjete i konzultacije u svezi trgovačkog, građanskog, radnog i upravnog prava, poreza i drugih oblasti. Naslovna stranica Poslovnog foruma d.o.o. Predstavite svoju tvrtku, obrt, udrugu... Ažurirano: 5. 2. 2025. |