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Link na pregled ponude - Poslovne usluge za poduzetnike


Izrada web stranica po izuzetno povoljnim cijenama. Izrada internet stranica koje možete uvijek samostalno ažurirati bez ikakvih dodatnih troškova. Objavite neograničeni broj tekstova, objavite sve ponude, akcije, oglase, kataloge...
Link za opširnije informacije o povoljnoj izradi kvalitetnih CMS web stranica


Potražite sve informacije o poslovanju u Hrvatskoj, pravne, porezne i druge savjete, informacije o internet oglašavanju i marketingu, rezultate istraživanja tržišta, poslovne analize, informacije o kreditima za poduzetnike, poticajima...
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Izrada CMS web stranica po izuzetno povoljnim cijenama, internet stranica koje možete uvjek samostalno ažurirati bez ikakvih dodatnih troškova, objavljivati neograničeni broj tekstova... Predstavite Vašu tvrtku, objavite sve ponude, akcije, detaljni pregled svih proizvoda...
Hosting na Windows serverima HOSTING PONUDA
Web hosting je usluga iznajmljivanja diskovnog prostora i pripadajućih serverskih resursa za smještaj web stranica na web poslužitelju i za korištenje e-maila. Najpovoljnije cijene web hostinga. (Windows hosting)
Želite li biti pronađeni, nužno je da imate veliki broj pojedinačnih stranica, a na svakoj da se što je više moguće spominju ključne riječi koje opisuju Vašu djelatnost ili usluge.
Izrada aplikacija za prodaju proizvoda i usluga putem Interneta. Uključena offline plaćanja kao ponuda, ček, pouzećem. Potpuna podrška za online plaćanja karticom (2CheckOut, WorldPay)
Za turističke agencije, hotele, motele, kampove, iznajmljivače apartmana sa većim brojem apartmana... Internet aplikacija za prezentaciju i rezervacijski sustav za turističku ponudu, apartmane i hotele.
Besplatna registracija domena BESPLATNE HR DOMENE
Želite li kratku i lako pamtljivu web adresu ili ćete jednog dana uzeti ostatke ostataka, domene koje uopće nije lako zapamtiti niti napisati?! Besplatna registracija domena i parking stranica.
Povoljno izrađujemo kvalitetne investicijske projekte i poslovne planove za kredite kako bi poduzetnik kvalitetno sagledao sve aspekte ulaganja i postigao najveći profit u realizaciji.
Marketing zahtjeva kontinuiranu analizu, istraživanje, planiranje i praćenje rezultata uporabom standardnih i alternativnih metoda. Nisu najvažnija velika novčana ulaganja, već znanje i ideje.
Istraživanja tržišta za potrebe: segmentacije tržišta (image proizvoda i marke, poznavanje i korištenje, zadovoljstvo potrošača), razvoja proizvoda, prodaje, promidžbene kampanje...
Stalni ugovorni korisnici STALNI KORISNICI
Upis korisnika (tgovačkog društva ili obrta) u poslovnu bazu podataka i kreiranje napredne web prezentacije na našem sustavu sa mogućnošću predstavljanja.
Trgovačko posredovanje TRG. POSREDOVANJE
Trgovačkim posredovanjem Poslovni forum nastoji naći i dovesti u vezu s nalogodavcem tvrtku ili osobu, koja bi s njim pregovarala o sklapanju određenog ugovora za proizvode ili usluge.
Press clipping je selektivno i kontinuirano praćenje, razvrstavanje i spremanje informacija iz medija prema unaprijed zadanim kriterijima. Praćenje konkurencije, pregled vijesti, medija...
Gotovi primjeri ugovora prilagođeni konkretnim potrebama; kupoprodajni ugovori, ugovori o poslovnoj suradnji, ugovori o radu, ugovori o prijevozu, najmu, kreditu, gradnji...
Adresari i imenici ADRESARI - IMENICI
Poslovni imenici (adresari) sadrže ažurirane podatke o svim poslovnim subjektima u Hrvatskoj (trgovačka društva, obrtnici, državna uprava, udruge, sindikati i zaklade i dr.). Web imenik.
Primjeri poslovnih planova PRIMJERI ELABORATA
Upute za samostalnu izradu poslovnih planova (krediti, elaborati) sastavljene od stručnog tima Poslovnog foruma. Gotovi primjeri poslovnih planova za traženje kredita za različite poslovne namjene i iznose.

svih objavljenih tekstova

Ažurirano: 10. 2. 2025.


Naručite izradu modernih web stranica. U svega nekoliko minuta, kreirajte vrhunsku web stranicu uz pomoć naših CMS web stranica. Moderni dizajni za Vaše web stranice. Korištenje CMS web stranica slično je kao korištenje Facebooka, ne zahtjeva znanje kodiranja i programiranja. Započnite pisati, dodajte nekoliko fotografija i imate brzo svoju prvu web stranicu. Mijenjajte dizajn svoje stranice s lakoćom. Kreirajte web stranicu svoje tvrtke, web stranicu obrta, web stranicu udruge, započnite pisati blog...

Mobilna responzivnost web stranica je prilagođavanje web stranice svim preglednicima (mobitel, tablet, računalo) i mora se implementirati na sve web stranice. Besplatna optimizacija za tražilice; SEO optimizacija omogućava vašoj web stranici da se prikazuje u prvih deset rezultata na tražilicama za pojmove koje pretražuju vaši budući kupci.

Dizajn responzivnih web stranica, registracija domene, izrada CMS stranica, ugradnja web shopa, implementacija plaćanja karticama, ugradnja Google analyticsa, siguran hosting, prijava na tražilice, reklama na društvenim mrežama, ugradnja kontakt formulara za upite sa web stranica...

Iskoristite ponudu: izrada web stranica i hosting po najnižim cijenama. Besplatna prijava na tražilice, besplatni e-mail, besplatna .hr domena, besplatna podrška za internet marketing...



Link na brzi pregled poslovnih i internet usluga

KOMPLETNI PREGLED > Desktop > Screen Savers: Nature
365 Green Ireland Screen Saver  v. 2.1
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: 365multimedia.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: Journey through the IRISH COUNTRYSIDE and wonder at its legendary landscapes, mystic places, and historical landmarks. This nature screensaver shows over forty HIGH-QUALITY PHOTOGRAPHS highlighting Ireland's lush green scenery, rugged coastline, prehistoric dolmen sites, mysterious stone circles, ancient castles, and more. Don't wait, give your PC an extreme Celtic makeover today!
Opširnije >>
365 Magnificent Flowers Screen Saver  v. 2.1
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: 365multimedia.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: Turn your computer screen into an ENCHANTED GARDEN with brightly colored flowers, vibrant green leaves, and beaming raindrops. This nature screensaver features over forty HIGH-RESOLUTION CLOSE-UP PHOTOS of many beautiful flowers including roses, daisies, water lilies, fuchsias, hibiscus, lotuses, sunflowers, and more. Get away from it all and relax while watching these botanical wonders! Use any screen saver image AS YOUR DESKTOP BACKGROUND too.
Opširnije >>
365 National Parks Screen Saver  v. 2.1
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: 365multimedia.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: Bring the great outdoors to your computer screen and marvel at the BREATHTAKING VIEWS of North America's National Parks. This nature screensaver packs over forty STUNNING HIGH-RESOLUTION PICTURES of such world-renowned sites as the Grand Canyon, Bryce, Death Valley, Yosemite, Yellowstone, Zion, Arches and more. Escape the daily routine and be transported to these spectacular places! Use any screen saver image AS YOUR DESKTOP BACKGROUND too.
Opširnije >>
365 North American Birds Screen Saver  v. 2.1
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: 365multimedia.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: Transform your PC into a pair of binoculars and observe some of AMERICA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL BIRDS. This animals screensaver presents over forty AMAZING COLORFUL PICTURES of the bald eagle, brown pelican, California condor, green-back heron, cormorant and many other birds. Experience the calm and serenity that comes once you disconnect from the feeling that you have to \"do\" something! Use any screen saver image AS YOUR DESKTOP BACKGROUND too.
Opširnije >>
3D Aquatic Life Screensaver: Fish!  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: FancyBytes Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 19.95 US
Opis: Watch an amazing new 3D screensaver! 38 extremely realistic fish, 8 unique landscapes, multitudes of corals, sea plants and other creatures. This screensaver is specially designed to carry you away to the serenity of the underwater world. Huge areas of colorful landscapes, calming underwater light, relaxing music. It's wonderful diversion after a busy day. Adorn your desktop and vary your day by diving into the blue depths of the tropical sea!
Opširnije >>
3D Waterfall Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Astro Gemini Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: A beautiful waterfall setting is waiting for you far away from the noise of the city. Watch the eye-pleasing scenery surrounding this enchanting wonder of Nature. Listen to the melodic sounds of the waterfall bubbling by and see the fish rushing up and down the stream. This is not just another slide-show or simple flash screensaver. The whole setting was built in 3D from scratch and the quality of animation can rival that of Disney.
Opširnije >>
Amazing Butterflies screensaver  v. 1.1
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: 7art-screensavers.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 19.95 US
Opis: The life of amazing butterflies is full of miraculous adventures. They fly around in festive dance with their great natural mission to let life flow. So beautiful and careless like flowers they wish to share their happiness with us... Brigten up your desktop with everlasting summer of Amazing Butterflies 3D screensaver.
Opširnije >>
Amazing Waterfalls Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: This living photo screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of six screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound and transition effects. You can download the screensaver for FREE and enjoy amazing waterfalls while your computer is idle.
Opširnije >>
Ancient Casttle 3D Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 12.95 US
Opis: Ancien castle screensaver takes you inside the buildings though every level to show what it was like to live back then. Importantly, you can see the stronghold in the day light as well as at night, from high above or the ground. But stones are not the only thing you are to see - there are flying birds, a sea, a river, even a waterfall! Special attention has been paid to the interior of the castle and the lighting inside.
Opširnije >>
Aquarium Screensaver by Dream Computers Pty Ltd  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Dream Computers Pty Ltd - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: This free Aquarium Screensaver is sponsored by Dream Computers Pty Ltd 1. Online education assistance 2. Distance online education assistance We give you assistance with all education related matters. Great set of articles helping you locate the perfect university, college, high school, learning center, or education department.
Opširnije >>
Art Revolution 9 Sea Sunset Screensaver  v. 4.02
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: VMGAMES.COM - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: Watch natural sunset on background moving clouds and alive sea on your desktop. Screensaver displays beautiful sea sunset image, which is differently repainted and animated by means of original technologies. All moving objects are rendered in real time. Enormous amount of parameters can be adjusted on your preferences. This screensaver works as animated desktop wallpaper under Vital Desktop extra application, included in package. No spyware.
Opširnije >>
Australian Nature Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 12.95 US
Opis: This living photo screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes from Australia. It consists of four screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation,authentic stereo sound and transition effects. You can download the screensaver for FREE and enjoy Australian nature while your computer is idle.
Opširnije >>
Autumn Leaf Screen Saver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Desktop-Backgrounds.net - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: An extremely simple 3D screen saver with a an autumn leaf gently blown by wind. Relaxing and calm. For those who believe that simple things like a screen savers must be kept simple.
Opširnije >>
Calm Oceans Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: Calm Oceans screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of six screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound and transition effects. You can download the screensaver for FREE and enjoy calm oceans.
Opširnije >>
Cats Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures. Enjoy the variety of cat species. While your computer is idle, five full size pictures appearing on your screen will show you how sweet they are especially when they are still kittens. Don't miss the chance to experience that.
Opširnije >>
Classic Cats screensaver  v. 1.4
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Miury - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: Hey there, cat-lovers of the world! The cats have finally made their way into the cyberspace. And now they play, purr, run, jump and misbehave right on the screen of your computer. To call Classic Cats screensaver cute is a gross understatement. This amazing screensaver is a real masterpiece in the eyes of every animal lover. And it becomes an instant hit in every home, school, office or company where it makes its way.
Opširnije >>
Coral Clock 3D Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 12.95 US
Opis: You are the sea explorer searching for the ancient lost civilizations. You have found some traces of the lost Atlantis near the coral reef island and you are submerging into the sea to know more about it. Deep blue sea reveals all secrets to you. Tropical fishes are swimming everywhere and around you. This alternative reality is created to make people relax from the routine work and help them during the hard working days in the office.
Opširnije >>
Custom Screensaver Selection 1  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound and transition effects. You can download the screensaver for FREE and enjoy amazing waterfalls, calm oceans and fast mountain rivers.
Opširnije >>
Custom Screensaver Selection 2  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound and transition effects. You can download the screensaver for FREE and enjoy amazing waterfalls, calm oceans and fast mountain rivers.
Opširnije >>
Custom Screensaver Selection 3  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound and transition effects. You can download the screensaver for FREE and enjoy amazing waterfalls, calm oceans and fast mountain rivers.
Opširnije >>
Custom Screensaver Selection 4  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound and transition effects. You can download the screensaver for FREE and enjoy amazing waterfalls, calm oceans and fast mountain rivers.
Opširnije >>
Custom Screensaver Selection 5  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound and transition effects. You can download the screensaver for FREE and enjoy amazing waterfalls, calm oceans and fast mountain rivers.
Opširnije >>
Custom Screensaver Selection 6  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound and transition effects. You can download the screensaver for FREE and enjoy amazing waterfalls, calm oceans and fast mountain rivers.
Opširnije >>
Custom Screensaver Selection 7  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound and transition effects. You can download the screensaver for FREE and enjoy amazing waterfalls, calm oceans and fast mountain rivers.
Opširnije >>
Custom Screensaver Selection 8  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: This Custom Screensaver presents beautiful nature scenes. It consists of eight screensavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound and transition effects. You can download the screensaver for FREE and enjoy amazing waterfalls, calm oceans and fast mountain rivers.
Opširnije >>
dArt Tropical Islands vol.1  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Digital Minds Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: dArt Tropical Islands vol.1 screensaver features photo-realistic views of tropical islands. Enjoy tropical nature scenes such as palm trees, blue skies, ocean surface, sand shores, waterfalls, sunset scenes, and more. Launch this screensaver and surprise your friends with crisp pictures and wonderful image transitions using the full 3D power of your computer.
Opširnije >>
Deer Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall beautiful nature scenes. While your computer is idle, five full size pictures appearing on your screen will give you the opportunity to take a close look at deer and their young.
Opširnije >>
Desktop Butterfly Screensaver  v. 1.3
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: WebAppstogo - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: Butterflies take over your desktop in this beautiful animated screensaver. Features 12 desktop images to choose from. View up to 200 3D animated butterflies. Includes 4 short music tracks and ambient environment sound effects.
Opširnije >>
Dogs Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures. Enjoy the variety of dog species. While your computer is idle, five full size pictures appearing on your screen will show you how sweet they are especially when they are still puppies. Don't miss the chance to experience that.
Opširnije >>
Dolphin Aqua Life 3D Screensaver  v. 2.9.2
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: FancyBytes Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 19.95 US
Opis: Would you like to escape to the ocean depths? Dolphin Aqua Life 3D Screensaver takes you to the bottom of the aquatic world. The soothing movement of the dolphin and the calming sound of the waves help you to relax after a busy day. Enjoy the serenity of Aqua Life, the graceful dolphin swimming through the blue depths and the amazing play of light on its skin. The screensaver includes dual monitor support.
Opširnije >>
Dreams of a Fantasy World Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Wallpaper Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Enjoy this high quality free nature screensaver. Guaranteed to be 100% spyware, adware and toolbar free. Most of our screensavers feature 20+ wallpaper size photos, auto rotating with customizable special transition effects. Click on download and have these hi resolution nature photos on your desktop in minutes. You can even set the photos as your wallpaper.
Opširnije >>
Drunken Clock Screensaver  v. 3.22
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Michael Sablin - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: Drunken Clock is a skinnable analog clock, which randomly and smoothly moves across the screen. You can write your own text message which will run as a ticker. A synchronization function will set your PC clock to atomic time via the Internet.
Opširnije >>
Earth Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall memories. While your computer is idle, five full size pictures taken from outer space will give you the opportunity to see how beautiful the Earth is. Don't miss the chance to experience piece and tranquility with photos of our planet.
Opširnije >>
EarthView  v. 3.6.3
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: DeskSoft - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 25.00 US
Opis: EarthView is a dynamic desktop wallpaper and screen saver, which displays beautiful views of the earth with daylight and night shadows. It produces colorful, high quality, high resolution images for every screen resolution - even beyond 1600x1200! The program supports map and globe views, urban areas, city lights, atmospheric effects, clouds, local time display and much more. Many options allow total customization of all view parameters.
Opširnije >>
England Screensaver 1  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Wallpaper Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Enjoy this high quality free nature screensaver. Guaranteed to be 100% spyware, adware and toolbar free. Most of our screensavers feature 20+ wallpaper size photos, auto rotating with customizable special transition effects. Click on download and have these hi resolution nature photos on your desktop in minutes. You can even set the photos as your wallpaper.
Opširnije >>
Fish Aquarium 3D Screensaver  v. 1.2
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Astro Gemini Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 19.95 US
Opis: The screensaver features a beautiful large 3D aquarium with numerous types of exotic fish swimming about their business and realistic swaying underwater plants that have a slightly hypnotic effect and make you forget about all the problems of the world around. Once the screensaver is on you will definitely have no other fish to fry!
Opširnije >>
fleurs screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Offrir des fleurs - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: free screensaver with flowers
Opširnije >>
Flight over sea  v. 2.4
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Rixane Interactive - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: We all live in a much overstressed world, where fear of terrorism, unemployment and other social problems mix with tremendous speed of civilization progress, globalization and information havoc, creating the ultimate disturbance. This screensaver invites you to take an air trip over the sea surface, as if you would have been gliding on a paraglide several feet above the waves. Sit back and relax as the wind carries you away from your worries!
Opširnije >>
flower screensaver  v. 1.2
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Rusted dreams - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: A beautiful red rose lying on the stones at the shore of some dreamy lake. Who brought it here? Maybe it waits for someone? Throughout the ages, the red rose has been the ultimate expression of passion and love. Also, it can stand for respect and courage. This flower can become a romantic gift to your sweetheart, or it can be just a pretty screensaver with nice 3D graphics and relaxing background music.
Opširnije >>
free 3D Aqua Screensaver  v. 2.00
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: EIPC - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: A very beautiful underwater scene which helps to relax. The scene includes many different species of fish. It also includes natural rocks and plants, and an amazing play of light on their skin . It turns your desktop into a porthole for viewing charming underwater scenes.
Opširnije >>
free 3D Dolphin Aqua  v. 3.00
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: EIPC - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Must see screensaver of photorealistic Dolphins spinning from the water , with sunrays reflected on top of mountains. This screensaver will help you relax after a boring day. It is the best product for everyone who wishes to view peaceful aquarium scenes and is looking for something special.
Opširnije >>
free 3D Manta Ray Aqua  v. 2.00
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: EIPC - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: A Must see screensaver of photorealistic Manta Rays swimming across the screen. This screensaver will help you relax after a boring day. The graceful Manta Rays swimming through the blue depths and the amazing play of light on their skin. This screensaver is the best product for everyone who wishes to view peaceful aquarium scenes and is looking for something special.
Opširnije >>
Free Aquarium Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: 3D ScreenSaver Downloads - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Have you ever dreamed about a marine aquarium? Now you can get it absolutely free! Just download this Aquarium Screensaver and beautiful underwater creatures will populate your desktop.
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Free Beautiful Nature Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Desktop XP - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Put the pristine beauty on your desktop. View outstanding quality images of Nature and let yourself relax. The eye-pleasing scenery will make you forget about all the problems of the busy world around!
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Free Butterfly Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: 3D ScreenSaver Downloads - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: The dazzling beauty of these unique creatures really makes you think about the treasures that pristine nature holds. Download this absolutely Free Butterfly Screensaver and enjoy the best Mother Nature has to offer!
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Free Cat Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: 3D ScreenSaver Downloads - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Terrific free screensaver featuring the sweetest pussy cats you have ever seen. The funniest and the cutest images for your viewing pleasure!
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Free Cute Dog Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Desktop XP - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Who are the best guards in the world? Dogs, of course! Download this free screensaver and be sure that everything is safe and sound!
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Free Dolphin Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: 3D ScreenSaver Downloads - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: An awesome free screensaver featuring outstanding images of beautiful dolphins in the wild.
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Free Fish Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: 3D Screensaver Downloads - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: View enchanting underwater images of fish and other sea creatures. Dive into the depths and enjoy the beauty of marine life.
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Free Gorgeous Flowers Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Desktop XP - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Flowers are like diamonds in Nature's crown. Their beauty is so mesmerizing that you can watch them for hours on end and it's so powerful that it can totally change your mood. This Free Gorgeous Flowers Screensaver will definitely lift your spirits!
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Free Living Butterfly Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Desktop XP - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Download this absolutely free screensaver featuring an outstanding collection of quality images of the most gorgeous butterflies. It's really amazing how such startling beauty came into being! Enjoy watching it whenever you have a free moment.
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Free Nature Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: 3D ScreenSaver Downloads - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: View great quality images of Nature and let yourself relax. The eye-pleasing scenery will make you forget about all the problems!
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Free Saltwater Fish Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Desktop XP - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: The bottom of the ocean holds enormous treasures but they are extremely hard to get to. This free screensaver gives you that rare chance. View enchanting underwater images of fish and other sea creatures. Dive into the depths and enjoy the beauty of marine life.
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Galleon 3D Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 12.95 US
Opis: This beautiful galleon from the Age of Great Explorations is crossing the dangerous ocean at full sail again. Through blistering sun and quiet nights blessed by the moonshine, through fierce gun battles and storms, it rushes to new, yet to be discovered, lands. Raise your flag, captain, and enter the history. This was the ship all famous pirates dreamed about.
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Grand Canyon Screensaver  v. 1.03
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Milky Way Publishing - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US
Opis: Some would say that the Grand Canyon is the most spectacular of the Seven Wonders of the World. Feel what it's like to actually be in Grand Canyon National Park with 50 breathtaking, high-resolution photos. Witness sweeping views of incredible vistas, impossibly steep trails, the mighty Colorado River scouring the floor of the canyon, and the historic buildings of Grand Canyon Village clinging to the very edge of the precipice.
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Green Fields 3D Screensaver  v. 1.4
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Rixane Interactive - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 17.95 US
Opis: This animated 3D screensaver will take you out to the endless green fields that cover beautiful rolling hills in a distant land where no man has ever set foot. What can be better than absolutely gorgeous views of pristine nature with no signs of human intervention? The purity and freshness are amazing! Fly over never-ending plains and enjoy the stunning beauty of the lush green grass and deep blue skies. Disconnect from the busy world around!
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Green Valley 3D Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Astro Gemini Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: This ravishing animated 3D screensaver will take you to one of nature's most pristine wildlife areas ? a beautiful quiet green valley with several rapid brooks carrying fresh cold waters from the hills above. The enchanting sounds they produce along with birds' twitter and relaxing music complemented by the eye-pleasing lush plant life will set your mind at ease. A perfect place to hide away from all the trouble of the modern techno-world!
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Island Screensaver Memories  v. 1.1
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Henderson Island Productions - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.99 US
Opis: Screensaver Featuring Fifty (50) Beautiful High Quality Photographs of Nassau & Paradise Island including The Beaches, TheOcean, Birds, Trees, Historic Tourist Destinations and more! Makes a great gift or souvenir.
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Lakes Screensaver 1  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Wallpaper Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Enjoy this high quality free nature screensaver. Guaranteed to be 100% spyware, adware and toolbar free. Most of our screensavers feature 20+ wallpaper size photos, auto rotating with customizable special transition effects. Click on download and have these hi resolution nature photos on your desktop in minutes. You can even set the photos as your wallpaper.
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Living 3D Dinosaurs  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: RI Soft Systems - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 16.95 US
Opis: Journey back in time, when giant creatures ruled the earth and the small became snacks! This exciting 3D ScreenSaver will spark your imagination and make you glad you are now at the top of the food chain. Designed for the kid in all of us, Living 3D Dinosaurs offers 6 different kinds of Dinos, realistic jungle sounds, an active volcano, and even surprising visits from the scourge of the land?The Tyrannosaurus Rex.
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Living Waterfalls Oceans and Rivers  v. 2.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Living Waterfalls Oceans and Rivers FREE screensaver, which consists of four screenavers wrapped up into one. Each of them has animation, sound and transition effects. This is a FREE Screensaver and an example for you to see the way all other living photo screensavers on my website are made.
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Mechanical Clock 3D Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 12.95 US
Opis: Tired of your regular PC clock? Want something special for you computer screen? Then get this amazing Mechanical Clock 3D Screensaver. It shows you all ?internals? and mechanisms that work perfectly in sync. We?ve hired a practicing clock master to be our consultant to help us design a realistic clock screensaver, selecting 18th century Swiss clock as a model. Mechanical Clock 3D Screensaver always works correctly and is never off.
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MyPlayCity Screensaver  v. 3.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: MyPlayCity.com - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Bring the sights and sounds of the ocean to your PC. The dynamic screensaver with outstanding graphics will bring you to the world of pleasure and fun, to the world of MyPlayCity.com!
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Nature 3D Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 12.95 US
Opis: Can your PC use some landscaping?How about some majestic ancient forest, pond with water lilies, emerald grass and a small waterfall? This exquisite 3D nature screensaver, beautifully crafted to decorate your monitor, compares to other screensavers like roses to daisies. This is one of a kind piece of artwork; chances are you have not seen anything like this before. Nature 3D Screensaver is entirely hand-made with no photographs or digital images
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Nature Corners  v. 2.3
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Nature Corners - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: A wonderful screen saver which shows your favorite nature picture collections. Enjoy interesting transition effects with this screen saver! You can set any current picture as your desktop wallpaper with one click. You can schedule picture collections switching or manually switch between them by pressing hotkeys. You can return to a previously shown picture, or hold an interesting picture on the screen for some time.
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NatureScreen  v. 1.3
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Screen4All - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Feel delight in amazing landscapes and natural views of the lakes, mountains, rocks, arctic ices, sunsets, coasts and waterfalls. 23 colourful images in outstanding slide show will rise your spirits and fill your heart with the soft visual pleasure.
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Ocean Life Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Enjoy beautiful corals and plenty of fish species which can be seen in Ocean Life Screensaver. While your computer is idle, five full size pictures appearing on your screen will give you the opportunity to take a close look at amazing underwater life. Don't miss the chance to experience that.
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OceanDive  v. 1.3
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: OceanDive - SCS Software - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 19.99 US
Opis: OceanDive is a unique combination of a 3D marine life screensaver and a scuba diving exploration game. Behold the amazing undersea world of the living ocean! OceanDive takes you on a journey through the eyes of a scuba-diver, showing you stunning sub-marine vistas, shoals of fish, undersea caves, the coral reef, and much more! Buy OceanDive and get a new set of amazing underwater scenes AND a free undersea exploration game!
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Paradise Butterflies Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Dynamicon - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: Beautiful animated screensaver of butterflies. Enjoy the beauty of nature on your desktop. Relaxing images and beautiful butterflies flying around! Screensaver consists 15 kinds of butterflies and 8 sceneries.
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Phota Flowers Screensaver  v. 3.6
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Whizical.com - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: The Phota Screensaver displays either Album Pages or Individual Photos, in random or sequential sequence, with a specified interval between image changes. The background that surrounds photos can be set to either a solid color or a pattern. An Animate Colors feature performs a sequence of color shifts on each image. 30 pretty flower pictures are included. The display can be accompanied by music. The flowers can be exhibited in 3D Galleries.
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Photo Slideshow Screensaver  v. 2.2
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo-Screensavers.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 19.95 US
Opis: Photo Slideshow Screensaver displays your photos in a slideshow mode. Simply point to the location of the photos folder and enjoy the slideshow. This screensaver support various display effects: Radar, Mosaic, Fade and more. It also allows you to set the display order, the delay between effects, the number of photos displayed on the screen, and much more.
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PictureRiver  v. 1.5.1
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Whimsoft - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 19.95 US
Opis: PictureRiver is a spectacular slideshow screensaver with over 40 stunning special effects. With this screensaver, even inexperienced users can turn digital photos into memorable slideshow screensaver that will become an object of envy to others. The library of transition effects is being continuously updated, ensuring this screensaver is always the top screensaver in its class. Download your free trial version of PictureRiver now!
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Pirate Ship 3D Screensaver  v. 1.5
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: TERMINAL Studio - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: Just a few centuries ago the seas were ruled by bloodthirsty and greedy pirates. They not only robbed the civilian fleet but also battled each other for the stolen loot. A lot of their ships sank in the Caribbean and still remain their. In this screensaver we get an awesome opportunity to dive into the depths and take a closer look at one of these pirate ships. Download this screensaver now and get the feel of the glorious history of the pirates
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Planet Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall memories. While your computer is idle, five full size pictures taken from outer space will give you the opportunity to see how beautiful our planet is. Don't miss the chance to \"fly\" in outer space with Planet Screensaver.
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Raging River Screensaver  v. 1.1.13
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Digital Estate Systems - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: Screensaver with analog clock and animated background. Raging water of the mountain river falls downwards on stones. It is tremendous animated background for stylish analog clock. You will hear calming sounds of raging water and clock's sounds. Features: 1. Analog Clock 2. Animated Background 3. Background Sounds 4. Clock Sounds 5. Different Color Themes 6. Silent Mode 7. Date 8. Day of week 9. Stylish design 10. Pleasant animation
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Rainy Screen Saver  v. 2.2
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: ElasticSystems.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: Very realistic rain screensaver that will impress your friends and co-workers. Complex lighting and optic models were used to produce the look and feel of the rain flowing down the window glass. Realistic raindrops and occasional lightning strikes create unique rainy mood. Dozens of options and fantastic sound will keep you enjoying the screen saver forever.
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Red Rock Creek  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Optical Sweets Software - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 12.99 US
Opis: Red Rock Creek screensaver brings the tranquility of mystical Oak Creek Canyon in Sedona, Arizona, to your desktop. Experience the calming effects of the rushing water while gazing at the majestic red rocks of Sedona. Video recorded digitally as well as audio (in stereo sound).
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Relaxing Ocean  v. 3.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Optical Sweets Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 15.99 US
Opis: With High Definition video and digital audio in stereo sound, Relaxing Ocean Screensaver brings the peaceful presence of rolling waves to your desktop. Options include a sound on/off function; volume control, five scenes filmed in stunning High Definition, five ocean sounds and more.
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Rosary Screen Saver  v. 1.11
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Alexander G. Styopkin - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 19.95 US
Opis: Rosary Screensaver - White, Red, Pink, Orange, Yellow Roses. Get tons of roses on your screen, only for $19.95 ! Really beautiful screen saver.
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Screensavers-Source Free Screensaver  v. 1.1
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Screensavers Source - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: This is a beautiful free demo screensaver that will give you an idea of what sort of service Screensavers-source.com offers at reasonable prices. These are still images from just a few of our high-quality animated 3D screensavers but they will surely be candy for your eyes!
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Shark Water World 3D Screensaver  v. 1.4.2
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: FancyBytes Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: The Shark Water World 3D Screensaver is not like common aquarium screensavers with their soothing presence. This screensaver takes you on a little underwater adventure when your PC is resting. It turns you desktop into a secret deepwater place where you can swim with aquatic inhabitants and explore the bottom of the underwater kingdom in search of its riches. The screensaver includes dual monitor support.
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SimAQUARIUM Tank-5  v. 2.5
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Digital Illusions Software - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 18.95 US
Opis: SimAQUARIUM brings the most realistic coral reef aquarium to your computer screen. There's more than 40 species of 3D fish swimming freely in a 3D environment, including a colorful reef, with live clams and swaying sea life. You just have to see it to believe it.
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Sword of Valor 3D Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Astro Gemini Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: Out in the windy steppes of a foreign land amidst the tall grass you will find the glorious sword of valor tempered in the fire of many great battles. The fate of its owner, a mighty noble warrior, whom it helped to defeat many evil foes, is, alas, unknown. The black raven circling overhead can hardly be a good sign. As nighttime comes you see glimpses of the illustrious battles the legendary sword still remembers. Will you become its new owner?
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Tigers Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall beautiful nature scenes. While your computer is idle, five full size pictures appearing on your screen will give you the opportunity to take a close look at the big cats. Don't miss the chance to experience that.
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Tree screensaver  v. 2.1
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Saturn7 - Vrsta: Adware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Full functional OpenGL screensaver. You can look how trees to grow any new tree will be absolutly new, some of them real, some absolutly unreal. A lot of object will appear on screen at same time. Allow changing many parameters for better view Grow speed Tree length Branch width Branch level Branch count Branch angle Random factor Age count Background grass and sky Random seed Better render engine Grow step speed View parameters of trees
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Tropical Fish 3D Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 12.95 US
Opis: Tropical Fish 3D Screensaver is a unique virtual underwater world, which takes your mind away from your daily routine and gives you a moment of peace and relaxation. Similar screensavers only imitate real landscapes, but Tropical Fish 3D Screensaver creates the undersea world on your desktop. As a result, you observe three dimensional landscapes in amazing quality. Tropical Fish 3D Screensaver helps you relax during hard workdays.
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Tropical Island Escape  v. 1.1
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Isotope 244 Computer Games - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: It's time for you to take that vacation you deserve and escape from it all. Relax in style on your own tropical island and listen to the gentle ocean waves lapping on the beach. Are you tired of cold weather and dreary rain? This is your ticket to paradise on your computer, a beautiful animated tropical island is displayed for you to enjoy.
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Water Illusion Screensaver  v. 3.20
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Nufsoft - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 19.95 US
Opis: Want to see living waterfall, lake, river, mountain, or all nature sceneries ? You can get it all here! This screensaver features beautiful living nature pictures from various places on earth. You will see realistic water flowing on the lakes, waves rolling on the sea, or calm ripple on the pond with soothing background music and water sound effect. You can also get more than 200 living nature pictures from our gallery.
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Water Life  v. 2.9.4
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Rixane Interactive - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 17.95 US
Opis: Surrounded by computers, restless machines that excel human beings at speed of processing information, we often find ourselves in senseless unnatural world. Water Life screensaver by Rixane Interactive is the truly innovative, absolutely amazing software product that is intended to fix the situation by bringing the beauty of nature to your desktop! Download FREE trial version today and take a trip to calming and relaxing vivid underwater world!
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Watermill 3D Photo Screensaver  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 12.95 US
Opis: If you are living in the concrete jungles and working in crammed dull offices, what you need is to break out and escape to the beautiful place you dreamed of when you were a child. You will find the place where trees whisper and a small stream slowly flows playing with rays of sun. This is the place to reflect, to hear the water, to feel the grass. You will find joy and peace and understand the mystery of true happiness.
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Watermill 3D Screensaver  v. 2.0
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: 3Planesoft - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 12.95 US
Opis: Watermill 3D Screensaver has been called digital masterpiece, heaven on your screen, and one of the most beautiful screensavers ever created. But really - it's just a dream. A dream come true. You see old watermill that tells you about eternity with every revolution of its wheel. You feel joy and peace and understanding that life was created for moments like this one.
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Winter Wonderland Screensaver  v. 1
Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Nature - >>
Autor: Computer-Screensavers.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 7.99 US
Opis: Winter Wonderland screen saver. Relive the days of sleds, ice skates, and snowmen. The winter mist concealing the lake surface, the sun glistening off the snow covered tree branches. You may want to put up the Christmas tree or go skiing. It may be cold, but you have to admit that it's mighty pretty... from the inside looking out. Now you don't have to go out in the cold to enjoy all of winters beauty.
Opširnije >>

KOMPLETNI PREGLED > Desktop > Screen Savers: Nature

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