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| CJENIK - PREGLED CIJENA NA HRVATSKOM TRŽIŠTU KOMPLETNI PREGLED > Desktop > Screen Savers: Vehicles Program: 365 Air Force Airplanes Screen Saver v. 2.1 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: 365multimedia.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US Opis: Safely watch the sheer power of U.S. AIR FORCE PLANES on your computer monitor. This military screensaver rotates over forty STRIKING AERIAL AND GROUND PHOTOS of aircrafts including the F-15 Eagle, F-16 Falcon and F-117 Nighthawk fighter jets, the B-1 Lancer, B-2 Spirit and B-52 Stratofortress bombers and many others. Be energized as you see the world's mightiest airplanes in action! Use any screen saver image AS YOUR DESKTOP BACKGROUND too. Opširnije >> Program: 365 Space Shuttle Screen Saver v. 2.1 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: 365multimedia.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US Opis: Join NASA astronauts as they carry out their mission ABOARD THE SPACE SHUTTLE. This space screensaver is loaded with over ASTOUNDING IMAGES images featuring lift offs, space walks, satellite deployments, rendezvous with MIR and the International Space Station, Hubble Space Telescope servicing, landings, and much more. Get some rocket fuel for your mind and gain a new perspective on life! Use any screen saver image AS YOUR DESKTOP BACKGROUND too. Opširnije >> Program: 365 US Navy Ships Screen Saver v. 2.1 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: 365multimedia.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 9.95 US Opis: Witness the might of the U.S. NAVY FLEET from the comfort of your home or office. This military screensaver boasts over forty HIGH-DEFINITION photographs of navy ships including aircraft carriers, guided missile cruisers, destroyers, attack submarines, frigates, tugs, landing crafts, patrol boats, high-speed vessels, experimental ships and many more. Anchors aweigh! Use any screen saver image AS YOUR DESKTOP BACKGROUND too. Opširnije >> Program: Cars Photo Screensaver v. 1.0 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall memories. While your computer is idle, five full size pictures appearing on your screen will give you the opportunity to take a close look at many different types of cars. Don't miss the chance to feel the speed. Opširnije >> Program: F1 Racing 3D Screensaver v. 1.0 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: Digital Minds Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 19.95 US Opis: This extremely realistic F1 Racing 3D Screensaver is a real treat for all the people who like speed and fast cars. The most skillful F1 drivers will battle each other for the Grand Prix on your desktop. The graphics, animation, sound effects and music are absolutely outstanding! It's just like watching a TV broadcast but it really is an awesome screensaver that you can put on your monitor. See the world's best racing action on your own desktop! Opširnije >> Program: Ferraris v. 1.00 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: Leet Software - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Feel the power of Ferrari on your screen! This screensaver features high-resolution pictures of Ferraris in action. Offers high-quality graphics and customizable transitions! Download today! Opširnije >> Program: Free Car Screensaver v. 1.0 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: 3D ScreenSaver Downloads - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Put the hottest cars in the world on your desktop with this beautiful car screensaver. Opširnije >> Program: Free Flowers Screensaver v. 1.0 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: 3D ScreenSaver Jam - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: This Free Flowers Screensaver will definitely lift your spirits! Opširnije >> Program: Free Nascar Screensaver v. 1.0 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: 3D ScreenSaver Downloads - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Download this staggering Free Nascar Screensaver and make your desktop a place of a real drive! Opširnije >> Program: Free Space Screensaver v. 1.0 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: 3D ScreenSaver Jam - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Would you like to see the way our planet looks from space? Opširnije >> Program: Free Sports Car Screensaver v. 1.0 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: Desktop XP - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Put the hottest cars in the world on your desktop with this beautiful free car screensaver. Images of the luxurious 'steel beauties' produce a truly hypnotizing effect. It's what every fan of speed and fast cars is looking for. And it's free! Opširnije >> Program: Motor Bikes Photo Screensaver v. 1.0 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall memories. While your computer is idle, five full size pictures appearing on your screen will give you the opportunity to take a close look at many different types of motor bikes. Don't miss the chance to feel the speed and power. Opširnije >> Program: No Fly Zone Screensaver v. 2.23g Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: SoftDD - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US Opis: Watch moving images of military fighter jets cruising across your screen as a screensaver, including images of the F-22 Raptor, the F-117 Nighthawk, the B-2 Stealth Bomber, and even the SR-71 Blackbird. Images are detailed and look exactly like the actual aircraft. Many other types of aircraft are also shown, including the F-14 Tomcat, the F-18 Hornet, the U-2 Spy Plane, the F-16, the B-52 Bomber, and various other planes. (All Windows systems). Opširnije >> Program: TruckerToTrucker.com Screen Saver v. 1.0 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: TruckerToTrucker, LLC - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: TruckerToTrucker.com offers the first version of it's free screen saver. It features high-quality pictures of semi trucks, and utility trucks. Pictures fade slowly from one to the next with smooth effects. This is sure to spruce up the desktop for anyone who enjoys trucking equipment. Be sure to check back for new releases features even more pictures and functionality! Opširnije >> Program: Trucks Photo Screensaver v. 1.0 Kategorija: Desktop - Screen Savers: Vehicles - >> Autor: Photo Screensavers - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Photo Screensavers bring you a new dimension in presenting pictures that prompt the imagination and recall memories. While your computer is idle, five full size pictures appearing on your screen will give you the opportunity to take a close look at many different types of trucks. Don't miss the chance to feel the power. Opširnije >> KOMPLETNI PREGLED > Desktop > Screen Savers: Vehicles Poslovni Forum d.o.o. je pokrenut od strane stručnjaka na području ekonomije, financija, prava i informatike, a nakon sveobuhvatne analize tržišta i poslovanja poslovnih subjekata, kako bi se uz korištenje suvremenih metoda i visoke tehnologije cjelovito pristupilo unapređenju poslovanja svih poslovnih subjekata na jednostavan i učinkovit način. Poslovni Forum okuplja stručnjake koji raspolažu potrebnim znanjima i koriste suvremenu tehnologiju, te stalni krug vanjskih suradnika za specifična znanja i potrebe. Osnovni zadatak Poslovnog Foruma je osigurati novu kvalitetu i standarde efikasnog tržišnog poslovanja kako bi se poduzetnicima omogućilo proširenje asortimana svojih proizvoda i usluga, kapaciteta i ukupnog prometa, kako bi svi djelatnici bili u u punoj mjeri zaposleni, omogućiti efikasnu i učinkovitu reklamu, te detaljno predstavljanje proizvoda i usluga svim zainteresiranima. Poslovni Forum omogućava i prikupljanje informacija o stanju na tržištu, analiza tržišta, pregled cijena i asortimana konkurencije, kvalitetnu izradu poslovnih planova i investicijskih projekata, te financiranje novih ulaganja, savjete i konzultacije u svezi trgovačkog, građanskog, radnog i upravnog prava, poreza i drugih oblasti. Naslovna stranica Poslovnog foruma d.o.o. Predstavite svoju tvrtku, obrt, udrugu... Ažurirano: 5. 2. 2025. |