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| CJENIK - PREGLED CIJENA NA HRVATSKOM TRŽIŠTU KOMPLETNI PREGLED > Games & Entertainment > Simulation Program: 18 Wheels of Steel Across America v. 1.0 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: SCS Software - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 19.99 US Opis: Heed the call of the open road, throw the gears in motion and take off in a tractor trailer. Drive faster than your competition, haul your cargo across the entire United States and feel the wind in your face as you control your own destiny. Blast the horn and build a career in the fast-paced world of trucking. Opširnije >> Program: 18 Wheels of Steel Convoy v. 1.0 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: SCS Software - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 19.99 US Opis: Heed the call of the open road, throw the gears in motion and take off in a tractor trailer. Be your own boss behind the wheel of your big rig. Over 40 cities, over 30 trucks, and much larger variety of cargo compared to the previous titles in the 18 Wheels of Steel franchise. Huge driving distances. New approach to real-time chrome reflections. Meet many trucks on the road to form long convoys on your way to fame and fortune! Opširnije >> Program: 18 Wheels of Steel Pedal to the Metal v. 1.07 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: SCS Software - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 19.99 US Opis: Take your show on the road. Drive your rig to make it big and build your business. Money talks when you're in charge, so get the peons to do the driving while you count your cash. You're not only a trucker, you're a tycoon. Opširnije >> Program: 3D Pinball Unlimited v. 1.0 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: TLK Games - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 15.95 US Opis: 3D Pinball Unlimited looks and reacts like a real old fashioned bar machine. Each of the four tables is a complete game with great graphic works, full sound effects, music, decor and its own rules. It offers a challenge to all levels of players. Real connoisseurs will enjoy it most. The ballistics is faultless, true 3D Real Time. The table can be adjusted for best visual comfort and you even may shake the table to a tilt. Opširnije >> Program: Beat box v. 9 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: Flash Music games - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Online beat box music is a comprehensive music software, designed to help discover the world of music through motivating materials and activities. The game develops well-rounded musicians who understand music and enjoy performing it. Opširnije >> Program: Find error at the melody ear training v. 9 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: Flash Music games - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Find error at the melody ear training. find error at the melody. find error at the melody. Opširnije >> Program: Flash drums v. 8 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: Flash Music games - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Drum machine, free downloadable drum machine, drum machine music sound. Keyboard drum machine. Free ear training software Digital drum machine for kids, Drum machine game, Drum machine midi, free downloadable drum machine, backup drum machine music sound. Opširnije >> Program: Guitar chord v. 9 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: Flash Music games - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Guitar chords and signatures. Find and save list of chords. Basic guitar chords A sheet of the most used rock chords. Suitable for beginners. Empty chord sheet An empty sheet of chords templates to print out and use. Basic guitar chords Em, C, G, D, Am, E, and A Free lesson on the basic guitar chords Em, C, G, D, Am, E, and A. The following chords are 7 of the most basic open position chords. Opširnije >> Program: Hunting Unlimited 3 v. 1.2 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: SCS Software - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 19.99 US Opis: Prepare yourself for the most realistic hunting experience ever! Travel throughout the United States, Canada and exotic Zambia to lock your sights on the prey of a lifetime. Unique action-packed missions will get your quarry running and your heart pumping. Track the quarry of your choice- White-tailed Deer, Mule Deer, Pronghorn, Buffalo, Elk, Grizzly, Moose, Mountain Goat, Mountain Lion and Wild Boar. Opširnije >> Program: IndustryPlayer v. 4.60 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: Tycoon Sistemas Ltda - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 19.99 US Opis: Virtual Business - Real Success! Create and run your own corporation in a virtual economy. IndustryPlayer is the most realistic and successful strategy game. You are the boss of a global business. Your success depends only on your management skills. ndustryPlayer includes a free video tutorial that will guide you through your first steps as an virtual entrepreneur. Opširnije >> Program: Machine Guitar v. 2 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: Music games - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Guitar machine. Use this game for record and plaing guitar sound. A virtual workshop for guitarmers and guitar editor Opširnije >> Program: Machine online Piano v. 10.25 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: ABC Music games - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Piano machine. Use this game for record and plaing piano sound. A virtual workshop for pianomers and piano editor. piano machine. Use this game for record and plaing piano sound. A virtual workshop for pianomers and piano editor Opširnije >> Program: Note editor for fun v. 9 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: Flash Music games - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Note editor. Use this game for record and plaing note sound. A virtual workshop for notes. Opširnije >> Program: NotePair online game v. 9 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: Flash Music games - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US Opis: Note pair free game. Online music lesson for all standards and styles of musician are available all over the net. Some sites offer these to encourage you to purchase their services, products or to enhance their site and they're free! Opširnije >> Program: Offroad racing v. 1.0 Kategorija: Games & Entertainment - Simulation - >> Autor: Phelios games - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 20.00 US Opis: Get a little mud in your face with Off Road Arena, the racing game that will be impossible to stop playing. You'll race on some of the most amazingly designed tracks that realistically resemble the real deal: the professional tracks you've seen in live events and on races on television. The challenging yet invigorating racing game play will get under your skin and you'll never want to leave the driver's seat. Opširnije >> KOMPLETNI PREGLED > Games & Entertainment > Simulation Poslovni Forum d.o.o. je pokrenut od strane stručnjaka na području ekonomije, financija, prava i informatike, a nakon sveobuhvatne analize tržišta i poslovanja poslovnih subjekata, kako bi se uz korištenje suvremenih metoda i visoke tehnologije cjelovito pristupilo unapređenju poslovanja svih poslovnih subjekata na jednostavan i učinkovit način. Poslovni Forum okuplja stručnjake koji raspolažu potrebnim znanjima i koriste suvremenu tehnologiju, te stalni krug vanjskih suradnika za specifična znanja i potrebe. Osnovni zadatak Poslovnog Foruma je osigurati novu kvalitetu i standarde efikasnog tržišnog poslovanja kako bi se poduzetnicima omogućilo proširenje asortimana svojih proizvoda i usluga, kapaciteta i ukupnog prometa, kako bi svi djelatnici bili u u punoj mjeri zaposleni, omogućiti efikasnu i učinkovitu reklamu, te detaljno predstavljanje proizvoda i usluga svim zainteresiranima. Poslovni Forum omogućava i prikupljanje informacija o stanju na tržištu, analiza tržišta, pregled cijena i asortimana konkurencije, kvalitetnu izradu poslovnih planova i investicijskih projekata, te financiranje novih ulaganja, savjete i konzultacije u svezi trgovačkog, građanskog, radnog i upravnog prava, poreza i drugih oblasti. Naslovna stranica Poslovnog foruma d.o.o. Predstavite svoju tvrtku, obrt, udrugu... Ažurirano: 5. 2. 2025. |