Poslovna informatika Pregledi poslovnih i internet usluga

Želite poboljšati svoje poslovanje, povećati prodaju? Imate sve manje kupaca? Slaba je potražnja za vašim uslugama? Opada vam promet i dobit? Svakim danom imate sve manje posla? Provjerite ponudu naših marketing usluga. Izrada web stranica, cijena vrlo povoljna.
Link na pregled ponude - Poslovne usluge za poduzetnike


Izrada web stranica po izuzetno povoljnim cijenama. Izrada internet stranica koje možete uvijek samostalno ažurirati bez ikakvih dodatnih troškova. Objavite neograničeni broj tekstova, objavite sve ponude, akcije, oglase, kataloge...
Link za opširnije informacije o povoljnoj izradi kvalitetnih CMS web stranica


Potražite sve informacije o poslovanju u Hrvatskoj, pravne, porezne i druge savjete, informacije o internet oglašavanju i marketingu, rezultate istraživanja tržišta, poslovne analize, informacije o kreditima za poduzetnike, poticajima...
Kontaktirajte nas ukoliko su Vam potrebne poslovne informacije


Korisni primjeri ugovora, obrasci, primjeri poslovnih planova, imenici za direktni marketing, usluga sastavljanja imenika i baza podataka po Vašim potrebama, pretraživanje baza podataka, trgovačko zastupanje i posredovanje...
Informirajte se o našim uslugama - Isplati se!




Izrada CMS web stranica po izuzetno povoljnim cijenama, internet stranica koje možete uvjek samostalno ažurirati bez ikakvih dodatnih troškova, objavljivati neograničeni broj tekstova... Predstavite Vašu tvrtku, objavite sve ponude, akcije, detaljni pregled svih proizvoda...
Hosting na Windows serverima HOSTING PONUDA
Web hosting je usluga iznajmljivanja diskovnog prostora i pripadajućih serverskih resursa za smještaj web stranica na web poslužitelju i za korištenje e-maila. Najpovoljnije cijene web hostinga. (Windows hosting)
Želite li biti pronađeni, nužno je da imate veliki broj pojedinačnih stranica, a na svakoj da se što je više moguće spominju ključne riječi koje opisuju Vašu djelatnost ili usluge.
Izrada aplikacija za prodaju proizvoda i usluga putem Interneta. Uključena offline plaćanja kao ponuda, ček, pouzećem. Potpuna podrška za online plaćanja karticom (2CheckOut, WorldPay)
Za turističke agencije, hotele, motele, kampove, iznajmljivače apartmana sa većim brojem apartmana... Internet aplikacija za prezentaciju i rezervacijski sustav za turističku ponudu, apartmane i hotele.
Besplatna registracija domena BESPLATNE HR DOMENE
Želite li kratku i lako pamtljivu web adresu ili ćete jednog dana uzeti ostatke ostataka, domene koje uopće nije lako zapamtiti niti napisati?! Besplatna registracija domena i parking stranica.
Povoljno izrađujemo kvalitetne investicijske projekte i poslovne planove za kredite kako bi poduzetnik kvalitetno sagledao sve aspekte ulaganja i postigao najveći profit u realizaciji.
Marketing zahtjeva kontinuiranu analizu, istraživanje, planiranje i praćenje rezultata uporabom standardnih i alternativnih metoda. Nisu najvažnija velika novčana ulaganja, već znanje i ideje.
Istraživanja tržišta za potrebe: segmentacije tržišta (image proizvoda i marke, poznavanje i korištenje, zadovoljstvo potrošača), razvoja proizvoda, prodaje, promidžbene kampanje...
Stalni ugovorni korisnici STALNI KORISNICI
Upis korisnika (tgovačkog društva ili obrta) u poslovnu bazu podataka i kreiranje napredne web prezentacije na našem sustavu sa mogućnošću predstavljanja.
Trgovačko posredovanje TRG. POSREDOVANJE
Trgovačkim posredovanjem Poslovni forum nastoji naći i dovesti u vezu s nalogodavcem tvrtku ili osobu, koja bi s njim pregovarala o sklapanju određenog ugovora za proizvode ili usluge.
Press clipping je selektivno i kontinuirano praćenje, razvrstavanje i spremanje informacija iz medija prema unaprijed zadanim kriterijima. Praćenje konkurencije, pregled vijesti, medija...
Gotovi primjeri ugovora prilagođeni konkretnim potrebama; kupoprodajni ugovori, ugovori o poslovnoj suradnji, ugovori o radu, ugovori o prijevozu, najmu, kreditu, gradnji...
Adresari i imenici ADRESARI - IMENICI
Poslovni imenici (adresari) sadrže ažurirane podatke o svim poslovnim subjektima u Hrvatskoj (trgovačka društva, obrtnici, državna uprava, udruge, sindikati i zaklade i dr.). Web imenik.
Primjeri poslovnih planova PRIMJERI ELABORATA
Upute za samostalnu izradu poslovnih planova (krediti, elaborati) sastavljene od stručnog tima Poslovnog foruma. Gotovi primjeri poslovnih planova za traženje kredita za različite poslovne namjene i iznose.

svih objavljenih tekstova

Ažurirano: 10. 2. 2025.


Naručite izradu modernih web stranica. U svega nekoliko minuta, kreirajte vrhunsku web stranicu uz pomoć naših CMS web stranica. Moderni dizajni za Vaše web stranice. Korištenje CMS web stranica slično je kao korištenje Facebooka, ne zahtjeva znanje kodiranja i programiranja. Započnite pisati, dodajte nekoliko fotografija i imate brzo svoju prvu web stranicu. Mijenjajte dizajn svoje stranice s lakoćom. Kreirajte web stranicu svoje tvrtke, web stranicu obrta, web stranicu udruge, započnite pisati blog...

Mobilna responzivnost web stranica je prilagođavanje web stranice svim preglednicima (mobitel, tablet, računalo) i mora se implementirati na sve web stranice. Besplatna optimizacija za tražilice; SEO optimizacija omogućava vašoj web stranici da se prikazuje u prvih deset rezultata na tražilicama za pojmove koje pretražuju vaši budući kupci.

Dizajn responzivnih web stranica, registracija domene, izrada CMS stranica, ugradnja web shopa, implementacija plaćanja karticama, ugradnja Google analyticsa, siguran hosting, prijava na tražilice, reklama na društvenim mrežama, ugradnja kontakt formulara za upite sa web stranica...

Iskoristite ponudu: izrada web stranica i hosting po najnižim cijenama. Besplatna prijava na tražilice, besplatni e-mail, besplatna .hr domena, besplatna podrška za internet marketing...



Link na brzi pregled poslovnih i internet usluga

KOMPLETNI PREGLED > Security & Privacy > Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools
! Spy Sniper - Advanced Spyware Remover  v. 3.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: PIMASOFT - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 39.95 US
Opis: Spy Sniper is an award-winning spyware, malware, and adware detector, remover, and shields. Spy Sniper also includes auto-scheduled scans, hijacker protections and more. The spyware / adware scan detects and eliminates thousands of hidden programs. Spy Sniper's shields feature prevents certain spyware and adware from being installed on your PC. This unique feature works even while Spy Sniper is running silently in the background in stealth mode.
Opširnije >>
!_-_Keep_Your_Privacy  v. 3.0.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Blackhawk Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.95 US
Opis: Keep Your Privacy is a safe and easy-to-use privacy protection tool that securely deletes online Internet tracks and program activity records that are stored in your browser and other hidden files on your computer. Privacy Keeper guarantees your privacy by ensuring all traces of your online Internet and computer activities are permanently erased and unrecoverable on your PC.
Opširnije >>
100% Anti-Spyware  v. 2.0.24
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Scorpio Software - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 19.95 US
Opis: 100% Anti-Spyware is a powerful anti-spyware solution that lets you request a professional spyware removal procedure with just one click. Professional support team guarantees successful removal of all spyware on your computer. The program is compatible with Windows 98, ME, and Windows NT, 2000, and XP.
Opširnije >>
1st Evidence Remover  v. 2.22
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Ixis Ltd - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 59.00 US
Opis: When you work with your PC, all activity information is stored in various files and in the Windows registry. All pictures you have seen on the Internet, all passwords and bank accounts you use and other detailed information can be easily extracted from your PC by any person with a minimal computer knowledge. This program lets you destroy all hidden needless activity information that may potentially contain evidence and endanger you needlessly
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1st Evidence Remover  v. 2.22
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Getfreefile - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 59.00 US
Opis: When you work with your PC, all activity information is stored in various files and in the Windows registry. All pictures you have seen on the Internet, all passwords and bank accounts you use and other detailed information can be easily extracted from your PC by any person with a minimal computer knowledge. This program lets you destroy all hidden needless activity information that may potentially contain evidence and endanger you needlessly
Opširnije >>
Acronis Privacy Expert Suite  v. 9.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Acronis - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 29.99 US
Opis: Acronis Privacy Expert Suite provides you with proactive, real time protection against malware; including spyware parasites, rootkits, adware, keyloggers, hidden dialers, browser hijackers, and other malicious programs. Our latest version, 9.0, adds key new features to ensure that your PC is not infected with malware.
Opširnije >>
ActMon Process Monitoring  v. 1.00
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: ActMon Computer File PC Network Monitoring Softwar - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: ActMon Process Monitoring displays detailed information about all running processes. For each process, it improves on Windows Task Manager, providing file path, security risk rating, description, start time, file version information and icon. The detailed process library helps you to distinguish between system processes, known trustworthy programs and malware (adware, spyware, trojan hores, keylogger, virus). It can google the web for more info.
Opširnije >>
Advanced Spyware Remover  v. 1.96
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Evonsoft - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Advanced Spyware Remover is an advanced but easy-to-use anti spyware tool that removes spyware, adware, malware, hijacker programs and immunizes them to block future spyware threats that may invade your privacy and even steal your credit card numbers or personal information. It upgrades computer system performance and creating a secure computer that runs reliably.
Opširnije >>
Adware Spyware Removal  v. 5.01
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Adware Spyware Removal - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: Adware Spyware Removal Free Download. Scan your computer for FREE. Scan your system for free, for adware spyware. Adware SpyWare Removal also includes IE Blocker HiJack Protection, Spyware Removal software spyware and adware detector, remover. AdWare SpyWare Removal also includes a stealth feature to hide its presence. The spy software adware scan detects and eliminates hidden programs free updates free trial Download Now.
Opširnije >>
Anti-keylogger  v. 7.4
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Global Information Technology (UK) Limited - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 59.95 US
Opis: Anti-keylogger? is a dedicated anti-keylogging product. Unlike most other anti-spyware, Anti-keylogger? doesn't depend on signature bases ? just because it doesn't use them. Based solely on heuristic algorithms, it recognizes behavior of a spy program - and disables it instantly. Anti-keylogger? can protect even against \"custom-made\" software keyloggers, which are extremely dangerous - and very popular with cybercriminals.
Opširnije >>
AntiSpy  v. 4.4.2
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Omniquad Ltd - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 17.99 US
Opis: Most of these spywares are installed without your permission on your computer. AntiSpy scans system memory, registry, hard, and removable drives for a variety of spywares like annoying ad-wares, data-mining scum-ware, key-loggers, trojans, premium number dialers, browser hijackers, Surveillance programs, tracking cookies, worms, malware, P2P, nukers, browser helper objects, downloaders and other tracking components that gather information.
Opširnije >>
Emjysoft Anti-Spam  v. 2006
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Emjysoft - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 18.00 US
Opis: Block 99% of spam, viruses, spyware and phishing attempts before they reach your computer Emjysoft Anti-spam stop spam and dangerous emails containing viruses, spyware, and identity-theft schemes. His user friendly-interface makes it a simple, powerful, fast and safe tool. Protection for all email clients and servers ! Automatically updates from the Emjysoft server The Anti-spam database is updates every days.
Opširnije >>
Evidence Destructor  v. 2.36
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Emailarms - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 59.00 US
Opis: When you are using your computer for day to day activities, it collects all sorts of information about where you go on the internet, which sites you visit. Details on forms you fill up. All other programs are storing information about the recent documents and files you opened and so on. This information represents danger to you if it is discovered by your family or your boss at work. To protect yourself, use Evidence Destructor.
Opširnije >>
Evidence Exterminator  v. 2.21
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: IM-Soft - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 59.00 US
Opis: Evidence Exterminator cleans all PC usage history information. Clean up your cookies, history, temporary internet files, browser's cache, recycle bin, recent documents, and also clean all the temporary files left by your system. Evidence Exterminator is a complex security system that ensures your privacy by destroying all hidden information connected with your activities on demand, according to a user-defined schedule or on each boot/shutdown.
Opširnije >>
Evidence Sweeper  v. 2.8
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: PrivacyAnywhere Software - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 34.95 US
Opis: Evidence Sweeper is the best choice to safely and completely increase system performance and completely clear away your on and off line activities. It's an Internet cleaner, system cleaner, registry cleaner and privacy protector all in one! Evidence Sweeper can protect you from the dangers of the Internet! He clears sensitive areas of your hard disk also clear all records of the most recently accessed documents or all previously visited web-sites
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Free New Spyware Removal Technology  v. 8.50
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: MicroSmarts LLC - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Spyware Begone V8.50 is a free 5-star rated Spyware Remover that provides real-time Anti-Spyware protection against Spyware, Adware, Keyloggers, Trojan Horses, Spyware Cookies, Adbots, Spybots, Phishing Attacks and Browser Hi-Jackers. We have been protecting consumers online since 1993. Get protected now for Free by Downloading Spyware Begone.
Opširnije >>
FreeFixer  v. 0.14
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: FreeFixer - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: FreeFixer is a tool which will assist you when removing potentially unwanted software, such as spyware, adware, trojans, rootkits and trojans. FreeFixer scans a number of locations where unwanted software has a known record of appearing or leaving traces. The scan locations include your browser's plug-ins, the programs that run on your computer, your home page settings, the HOSTS file, etc.
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G-Zapper  v. 1.5
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Ksoft - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: G-Zapper helps you stay anonymous while searching Google by blocking and deleting the Google search cookie. Did you know that Google stores a unique identifier in a cookie on your PC, which allows them to track the keywords you search for? G-Zapper helps you protect your identity and search history by allowing you to view your Google ID, see how long your searches have been tracked, erase your searches, and block the Google search cookie.
Opširnije >>
History Sweeper  v. 2.76
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: InfoWorks Technology Company - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.95 US
Opis: History Sweeper can automatically clean up the history of your online activities and protect your privacy; remove intrusive devices from your PC and increase your online security; and save storage space and improve performance of your computer;and clean Firefox now!
Opširnije >>
Identity Protection  v. 1.5
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Infiltration Systems - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.95 US
Opis: Identity Protection is a powerful, easy to use security suite for protecting your computer and internet identity from hackers. Identity Protection features secure utilities to clear your internet and computer histories/activities, securely encrypt files and directories - so only you can access them, scan your computer for adware and spyware infections (and remove them as well), and even scan your computer for possible Windows exploits.
Opširnije >>
Internet Trace Destroyer  v. 1.38
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: PC-Safety - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.90 US
Opis: Erase all traces of your online activity before it's too late. Clear web browser's online history, delete cookies, temporary Internet files, index.dat files, recent document lists, recently typed information, search history and other traces. This software is easy-to-use and it includes a user manual. You can schedule cleaning process and use an advanced data erasing technique to totally erase unnecessary information.
Opširnije >>
IP Address Shield  v. 4.68
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: PC-Safety - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.90 US
Opis: Hides your IP address while you are browsing the Internet and protects your identity. Whenever you surf the Web or do something else on the Internet, this program will totally protect you. Freely use any web browsers, instant messengers, P2P file sharing, e-mail and any other applications without fear of being exposed to others - nobody will see your real IP address anymore. This utility has a great functionality and it's simple and inexpensive.
Opširnije >>
MailSweep  v. 3.53
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Crystal Office Systems - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: MailSweep allows you to browse your mailbox and view sender, subject, size, priority and header information prior to downloading messages from the server. Other features allow you to delete selected messages, view messages' bodies, and save message list to a file for browsing offline. MailSweep supports multiple accounts and includes an AutoMail feature that helps you to check new mail automatically.
Opširnije >>
mxORB  v. 2.3
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: MxORB Software - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 345.00 US
Opis: mxORB is a server-side spam filter that consistently blocks over 98% of unsolicited commercial email (also known as spam) at a fraction of the cost of other filtering solutions. mxORB is packed with all of the features you will need to eliminate spam. The amazing low price coupled with a success rate of over 98% gives it an unassailable position in today's marketplace.
Opširnije >>
NCT Win Manager  v. 2.1.2
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: NCT2000 - Softwares - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 6.50 US
Opis: You don?t want spywares who use you unusefully your system resources ? NCT Win Manager Pro is made for you ! In only one click, you can list all the active processes or better, create a list of the visible and hidden programs with their corresponding icon. Then with an other click, you can close the harmful programs. Try it now !
Opširnije >>
No Spam Today! for Workstations  v.
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: byteplant GmbH - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 39.95 US
Opis: No Spam Today! for Workstations was created for users of Outlook, Outlook Express and all other POP3 email clients to protect mailboxes against spam, malicious attachments and viruses. Acting between your mail client and your mail server No Spam Today! for Workstations scans all incoming emails and marks spam emails so you can sort out the unwanted emails.
Opširnije >>
Online Privacy Pro  v. 3.0.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Clean PC Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.95 US
Opis: Online Privacy Pro is a safe and easy-to-use privacy protection tool that securely deletes online Internet tracks and program activity records that are stored in your browser and other hidden files on your computer. Privacy Keeper guarantees your privacy by ensuring all traces of your online Internet and computer activities are permanently erased and unrecoverable on your PC.
Opširnije >>
PC Digital Safe  v. 2.50
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: MicroSmarts LLC - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 39.95 US
Opis: PC Digital Safe with Virtual Anti-Hacker Keyboard is designed to protect you by preventing Identity Thieves and Hackers from recording your keystrokes. Also by securely storing all your passwords, valuable information and by automatically filling in Web Forms for you. (Saving you time online) Also we provide you with free Spyware Removal. Download PC Digital Safe Now
Opširnije >>
PestBlock  v. 3.5.2
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: PrivacyAnywhere Software - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 29.95 US
Opis: PestBlock powerful protection against spyware, adware and other threats that expose your confidential information and diminish the performance of your PC. Our software give you anti-spyware protection that detects and removes spyware in real time. PestBlock puts the controls at your fingertips and provides scalable system-wide protection.
Opširnije >>
PrivacyKeyboard  v. 7.4
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Global Information Technology (UK) Ltd - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 89.95 US
Opis: PrivacyKeyboard for Microsoft Windows 2000/XP is the first product of its kind in the world that can provide every computer with strong protection against ALL types of keylogging programs (keyloggers) and keylogging hardware devices (hardware keyloggers), both known and unknown, currently in use or presently being developed worldwide.
Opširnije >>
RegAuditor  v. 2.2
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Nsasoft LLC. - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Registry Auditor gives you a quick look at the Adware, malware and spyware installed on your computer including parasites and trojans. Registry Auditor tells you by colored icons (green icon - safe, yellow icon - unknown, red icon - harmful) whether specific Objects are known to be safe or harmful, also the program searches the registry for entries including filenames that aren't present on and allows you to delete unwanted registry entries.
Opširnije >>
RegFreeze  v. 5.6
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: ActualResearch.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.95 US
Opis: RegFreeze is an effective tool to counteract spyware modules trying to install themselves onto your computer. With RegFreeze, you can feel safe and secure while surfing the Internet. Does your browser suddenly change the start page? Does your browser's search page sometimes lead to unwanted locations? RegFreeze spyware scanner will clean your system quickly and effectively!
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Safe n Sec Plus Anti-Spyware  v. 2.0.1405
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: S.N.Safe&Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 35.00 US
Opis: Safe n Sec Plus Anti-Spyware is a complex solution including Safe n Sec reliable proactive protection of PCs against unknown viruses, Trojans, other malwares, and Anti-Spyware Module intended for scanning and removing spyware. Safe n Sec Plus AS - new generation of security systems, Against new viruses, Trojans and other malware, Against spyware programs, Against hacker attacks, PC breaking and information theft.
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SafeSystem  v. 2006
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: GemiScorp - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.95 US
Opis: SafeSystem is the perfect complement to any anti-virus or anti-spyware program and allows you to prevent access to your personal and important files and folders, as well as protect and guarantee the integrity and well functioning of your system. It can make your files and folders completely invisible, inaccessible or simply read-only and prevent the change of configuration so your PC will be healthy and more stable.
Opširnije >>
Scam Sensor for Outlook  v. 2.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: ByteGems.com Software - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 21.97 US
Opis: Scam Sensor is a Microsoft Office Outlook add-in that examines every e-mail message you read and notifies you if the message is a phishing scam. It does not use any online databases of fraud e-mails or forged hyperlinks. Instead, the program uses a set of special algorithms which use information received from an e-mail message to determine whether the message tries to cheat the reader. No training needed. Install Scam Sensor and feel safe.
Opširnije >>
Spam Blackout  v. 1.5
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Heidi Computers Ltd - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 19.95 US
Opis: Blocks Spam from your Inbox. Spam Blackout is safe and easy-to-use. Powerful Spam Filtering Engine. Works with Any Email Client Program e.g. Ms Outlook etc. Downloads from Hotmail, POP3 & IMAP. Spam Filters include Internet BlackList lookup for known spammers, Friends/Enemy List, Bayesian Analysis, Regular Spam Expressions, Email Attachment Filter, option to strip all HTML & Attachments from Emails. The Email Viewer is Virus Proof.
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SpamAI Anti-Spam Filter Software  v. DR-4.10.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: DAIR Computer Systems - Vrsta: Commercial - Cijena: 84.75 US
Opis: SpamAI 4 fights spammers with 100% spam rejection. Only email you approve or build rules for is allowed in. You preview unapproved email in a text-only holding tank that immunizes you from all malware. By simple point and click, including a convenient identity verification checkbox, you build rules for what you want to receive automatically.
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SpamBrave for Outlook Express  v. 4.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Digital Turtlets - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 34.95 US
Opis: Bayesian spam filtering plug-in for Outlook Express prevents annoying spam and junk emails from polluting your Inbox. Get only wanted emails in your Inbox and nothing else! Fully supports your Address Book. Allows or blocks email addresses or whole Internet domains you want. Bounces email back to spammers. Auto-delete expired spam emails. Built-in Backup and Restore Wizard. Detailed statistics on the work done.
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SPAMfighter Exchange Module  v. 3.2.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: SPAMfighter - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 125.00 US
Opis: SPAMfighter Exchange module (SEM), is the easy-to-use anti-spam/virus solution for Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 and 2003. SEM is powered by the SPAMfighter Server, which is updated by the SPAMfighter community of more than 1.7 million users across the globe. SEM delivers instant spam protection with no configuration or maintenance what so ever. Languages: English, German, Dutch and Danish
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SpicyBot  v. 1.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Spicybyte.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 14.99 US
Opis: These days spyware, adware and other malicious software programs are everywhere, and it seems almost impossible to stop them. You can be infected just by visiting a website, or by installing a popular software title. Once you are infected with even one of these malicious programs they can download and install even more!
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Spy Sniper - Advanced Spyware Remover  v. 3.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: PIMASOFT - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 39.95 US
Opis: Spy Sniper is an award-winning spyware, malware, and adware detector, remover, and shields. Spy Sniper also includes auto-scheduled scans, hijacker protections and more. The spyware / adware scan detects and eliminates thousands of hidden programs. Spy Sniper's shields feature prevents certain spyware and adware from being installed on your PC. This unique feature works even while Spy Sniper is running silently in the background in stealth mode.
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SpyRemover  v. 2.68
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: InfoWorks Technology Company - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.95 US
Opis: Is someone stealing your information from your PC? Is your browser home page hijacked? Are you being watched and tracked? Find out with SpyRemover.SpyRemover detects and removes more than 59,800 types (more than 144,000 items, including variants) of intrusive devices such as spyware, adware, hijackers, keyloggers, Trojans, tracking devices, and other spy devices on your PC. Version 2.68 adds more spyware devices to the detection database.
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SpyStopper Pro  v. 4.9
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: InfoWorks Technology Company - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.95 US
Opis: In real time, SpyStopper Pro blocks spyware, Web bugs, worms, cookies, ads, scripts, phishing sites, and other intrusive devices from reaching your computer. When you are online, you may be monitored or tracked without your knowledge or explicit permission. SpyStopper Pro functions like a firewall and protects your online privacy and security.
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SpyVest  v. 1.6
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Purple Trout, LLC - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 15.99 US
Opis: SpyVest scans computers for existing spyware and adware programs. Scans include files and folders, registry, cookies, and application scans. Active Protection is provided for spyware applications that hijack web browsers. The Live Update feature keeps your computer safe from new adware and spyware programs. SpyVest takes customer feedback and updates the program and definition list to improve the product.
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Spyware Firewall  v. 1.1
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Ecommsec - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Block spyware before it reaches your computer not afterwards and stop spyware communication. Spyware Firewall protects your computer by monitoring your connection in real-time and denying access to all spy ware connections that occur. So spy ware attempts to communicate with your computer are denied and new spy ware entering into your computer when you surf the Internet are denied.
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Spyware Nuker  v. 4.8.68
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Spyware Nuker - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: Spyware.PCWash.com offers leading edge integrated application solutions to give you peace of mind that your computer is secure and your privacy is protected. We will protect you from unwanted Spyware, Adware, Malware, Spybot, Keyloggers, Unwanted Toolbars, Browser Hijacking, Spyware Pop-ups and more! We specialize in privacy and security software. Our Anti-Spyware application is designed to search for and eliminate all known computer parasites.
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StartGuard Free Edition  v. 2.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: StartGuard Software - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: StartGuard (Free Edition) catches spyware overlooked by other anti-spyware tools. By utilizing a unique spyware detection method, StartGuard will complete a full spyware scan in less than 10 seconds. You should notice a significant performance boost in Windows loading time and web browsing speeds, as StartGuard loads only approved programs and blocks 90% of web advertisements.
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Ultimate Spyware Adware Remover  v. 6.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: PIMASOFT - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.95 US
Opis: Is someone stealing your information from your PC? Is your browser home page hijacked? Are you being watched and tracked? Find out with The Ultimate Spyware Adware Remover. The Ultimate Spyware Adware Remover detects and removes more than 105,900 types (more than 90,100 items, including variants) of intrusive devices such as spyware, adware, hijackers, keyloggers, Trojans, tracking devices, and other spy devices on your PC. Version 6.0 adds
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W8Soft Ad-Spy Remover  v. 1.6
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: W8Soft.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 49.95 US
Opis: Ad-Spy Remover software goes above and beyond your typical spyware removal software and actively monitors which programs are running on your computer. If it sees a spyware or adware program trying to start, it will stop it dead in it's tracks!
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Web Rubber  v. 2.0
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Neoretix Laboratory - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.95 US
Opis: Web Rubber protects your privacy in 24 ways. Private companies are tracking the ISPs to record your Internet behavior and downloads for evidence. Simply deleting these files does not get rid of the evidence. Web Rubber cleans traces of your online activities, removes ISP records, optimizes Windows Registry - allowing Windows to run faster and safer. Web Rubber does not have any spyware or adware.
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WinCleaner AntiSpyware  v. 5.4
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: Business Logic Corporation - Vrsta: Freeware - Cijena: 0.00 US
Opis: WinCleaner AntiSpyware is free software that protects your Microsoft Windows computer against pop-ups, slow performance, and security threats caused by spyware, adware and other unwanted nuisances. It's Real-Time Protection called Active Shields, minimizes interruptions and helps you stay productive. WinCleaner AntiSpyware exceeds the protection of most commercial solutions! You will find our free antispyware solution to be of great value.
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WinSpy  v. 3.1
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: WinSpy Software - Vrsta: Demo - Cijena: 39.95 US
Opis: Our software goes above and beyond your typical spyware removal software and actively monitors which programs are running on your computer. If it sees a spyware or adware program trying to start, it will stop it dead in it
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XoftspySE  v. 4.22
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: ParetoLogic Inc. - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 29.95 US
Opis: Spyware adware detection & removal. Complete PC scanning, including running processes, registry entries, files and folders. Detects and removes: adware, spyware, pop-up generators, keyloggers, trojans, hijackers, and malware. One of the largest spyware definition databases in the industry. Automatic definition and feature updates. Fast, powerful, and easy to use. Comprehensive customer technical support. Protects against identity theft.
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Zaep AntiSpam  v.
Kategorija: Security & Privacy - Anti-Spam & Anti-Spy Tools - >>
Autor: RhinoSoft.com - Vrsta: Shareware - Cijena: 39.95 US
Opis: Zaep AntiSpam eliminates 100% of the spam you receive like no other anti-spam solution can. No more \"reviewing\" spam for good messages. No more \"training\" programs to recognize spam from good messages. Open your email client with confidence that every new message is from someone you know and trust. You shouldn't have to look through hundreds of spam messages to find messages that are important to you. Zaep AntiSpam makes it happen.
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