Hrvatske poslovne stranice

Želite poboljšati svoje poslovanje, povećati prodaju? Imate sve manje kupaca? Slaba je potražnja za vašim uslugama? Opada vam promet i dobit? Svakim danom imate sve manje posla? Provjerite ponudu naših marketing usluga. Izrada web stranica, cijena vrlo povoljna.
Link na pregled ponude - Poslovne usluge za poduzetnike


Izrada web stranica po izuzetno povoljnim cijenama. Izrada internet stranica koje možete uvijek samostalno ažurirati bez ikakvih dodatnih troškova. Objavite neograničeni broj tekstova, objavite sve ponude, akcije, oglase, kataloge...
Link za opširnije informacije o povoljnoj izradi kvalitetnih CMS web stranica


Potražite sve informacije o poslovanju u Hrvatskoj, pravne, porezne i druge savjete, informacije o internet oglašavanju i marketingu, rezultate istraživanja tržišta, poslovne analize, informacije o kreditima za poduzetnike, poticajima...
Kontaktirajte nas ukoliko su Vam potrebne poslovne informacije


Korisni primjeri ugovora, obrasci, primjeri poslovnih planova, imenici za direktni marketing, usluga sastavljanja imenika i baza podataka po Vašim potrebama, pretraživanje baza podataka, trgovačko zastupanje i posredovanje...
Informirajte se o našim uslugama - Isplati se!




Izrada CMS web stranica po izuzetno povoljnim cijenama, internet stranica koje možete uvjek samostalno ažurirati bez ikakvih dodatnih troškova, objavljivati neograničeni broj tekstova... Predstavite Vašu tvrtku, objavite sve ponude, akcije, detaljni pregled svih proizvoda...
Hosting na Windows serverima HOSTING PONUDA
Web hosting je usluga iznajmljivanja diskovnog prostora i pripadajućih serverskih resursa za smještaj web stranica na web poslužitelju i za korištenje e-maila. Najpovoljnije cijene web hostinga. (Windows hosting)
Želite li biti pronađeni, nužno je da imate veliki broj pojedinačnih stranica, a na svakoj da se što je više moguće spominju ključne riječi koje opisuju Vašu djelatnost ili usluge.
Izrada aplikacija za prodaju proizvoda i usluga putem Interneta. Uključena offline plaćanja kao ponuda, ček, pouzećem. Potpuna podrška za online plaćanja karticom (2CheckOut, WorldPay)
Za turističke agencije, hotele, motele, kampove, iznajmljivače apartmana sa većim brojem apartmana... Internet aplikacija za prezentaciju i rezervacijski sustav za turističku ponudu, apartmane i hotele.
Besplatna registracija domena BESPLATNE HR DOMENE
Želite li kratku i lako pamtljivu web adresu ili ćete jednog dana uzeti ostatke ostataka, domene koje uopće nije lako zapamtiti niti napisati?! Besplatna registracija domena i parking stranica.
Povoljno izrađujemo kvalitetne investicijske projekte i poslovne planove za kredite kako bi poduzetnik kvalitetno sagledao sve aspekte ulaganja i postigao najveći profit u realizaciji.
Marketing zahtjeva kontinuiranu analizu, istraživanje, planiranje i praćenje rezultata uporabom standardnih i alternativnih metoda. Nisu najvažnija velika novčana ulaganja, već znanje i ideje.
Istraživanja tržišta za potrebe: segmentacije tržišta (image proizvoda i marke, poznavanje i korištenje, zadovoljstvo potrošača), razvoja proizvoda, prodaje, promidžbene kampanje...
Stalni ugovorni korisnici STALNI KORISNICI
Upis korisnika (tgovačkog društva ili obrta) u poslovnu bazu podataka i kreiranje napredne web prezentacije na našem sustavu sa mogućnošću predstavljanja.
Trgovačko posredovanje TRG. POSREDOVANJE
Trgovačkim posredovanjem Poslovni forum nastoji naći i dovesti u vezu s nalogodavcem tvrtku ili osobu, koja bi s njim pregovarala o sklapanju određenog ugovora za proizvode ili usluge.
Press clipping je selektivno i kontinuirano praćenje, razvrstavanje i spremanje informacija iz medija prema unaprijed zadanim kriterijima. Praćenje konkurencije, pregled vijesti, medija...
Gotovi primjeri ugovora prilagođeni konkretnim potrebama; kupoprodajni ugovori, ugovori o poslovnoj suradnji, ugovori o radu, ugovori o prijevozu, najmu, kreditu, gradnji...
Adresari i imenici ADRESARI - IMENICI
Poslovni imenici (adresari) sadrže ažurirane podatke o svim poslovnim subjektima u Hrvatskoj (trgovačka društva, obrtnici, državna uprava, udruge, sindikati i zaklade i dr.). Web imenik.
Primjeri poslovnih planova PRIMJERI ELABORATA
Upute za samostalnu izradu poslovnih planova (krediti, elaborati) sastavljene od stručnog tima Poslovnog foruma. Gotovi primjeri poslovnih planova za traženje kredita za različite poslovne namjene i iznose.

svih objavljenih tekstova

Ažurirano: 11. 2. 2025.


Naručite izradu modernih web stranica. U svega nekoliko minuta, kreirajte vrhunsku web stranicu uz pomoć naših CMS web stranica. Moderni dizajni za Vaše web stranice. Korištenje CMS web stranica slično je kao korištenje Facebooka, ne zahtjeva znanje kodiranja i programiranja. Započnite pisati, dodajte nekoliko fotografija i imate brzo svoju prvu web stranicu. Mijenjajte dizajn svoje stranice s lakoćom. Kreirajte web stranicu svoje tvrtke, web stranicu obrta, web stranicu udruge, započnite pisati blog...

Mobilna responzivnost web stranica je prilagođavanje web stranice svim preglednicima (mobitel, tablet, računalo) i mora se implementirati na sve web stranice. Besplatna optimizacija za tražilice; SEO optimizacija omogućava vašoj web stranici da se prikazuje u prvih deset rezultata na tražilicama za pojmove koje pretražuju vaši budući kupci.

Dizajn responzivnih web stranica, registracija domene, izrada CMS stranica, ugradnja web shopa, implementacija plaćanja karticama, ugradnja Google analyticsa, siguran hosting, prijava na tražilice, reklama na društvenim mrežama, ugradnja kontakt formulara za upite sa web stranica...

Iskoristite ponudu: izrada web stranica i hosting po najnižim cijenama. Besplatna prijava na tražilice, besplatni e-mail, besplatna .hr domena, besplatna podrška za internet marketing...



Link na brzi pregled poslovnih i internet usluga

Software - Download - Audio & Multimedia - Business - Communications - Desktop - Development - Education - Games & Entertainment - Graphic Apps - Home & Hobby - Network & Internet - Security & Privacy - Servers - System Utilities - Web Development - MP3 - HTML - ASP - CMS - PHP - Windows - Unix - Browser Tools - Download Managers - File Sharing - Peer to Peer - FTP Clients - Network Monitoring - Remote Computing - Search - Lookup Tools - Timers - Action Games - Adventure - Arcade - Casino - Gambling - Online Gaming - Sports - Strategy Games - Tools - Editors
TRAŽI Programi
A - Z ili Z - A
Puzzle & Word Games
3D Blocks 2006
3D Blocks 2006 Shareware
Opis: 3D Blocks 2006 is a funny game, which added a whole new dimension of gameplay to classic Tetris --- it's from simple flat figures to twisted 3D blocks. The game became more funny and more challenge.
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3D Chinese Checkers Unlimited
3D Chinese Checkers Unlimited Shareware
Opis: Created in 1930, this game of strategy of displacement is played in China, where it is known as Tiao-qui, as in most countries of the world, using a star shaped board with 121 positions and balls of several colors. You can challenge the computer on a board shown under different angles of camera and in 2D. Games can be saved and replayed. A fine Chinese checkers board without over lasting gadgets for players at all levels locally or on Internet.
[Katalog] Opširnije >>

3D Pinball Unlimited
3D Pinball Unlimited Shareware
Opis: 3D Pinball Unlimited looks and reacts like a real old fashioned bar machine. Each of the four tables is a complete game with great graphic works, full sound effects, music, decor and its own rules. It offers a challenge to all levels of players. Real connoisseurs will enjoy it most. The ballistics is faultless, true 3D Real Time. The table can be adjusted for best visual comfort and you even may shake the table to a tilt.
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Screen Savers: Seasonal
3D Spooky Halloween Screensaver
3D Spooky Halloween Screensaver Shareware
Opis: The Moon is full! Spooky Halloween is here! Haunted house deep in the woods invites you for a visit. Scary ghosts welcome you from a distance. Witches on broomsticks are rushing across the sky. There is something going on in this house as you see sparks of magic fire shooting out of the chimney. Chilling sounds and devilish Halloween music add to this mood of your darkest nightmare. Are you brave enough to trick or treat around this place?
[Katalog] Opširnije >>

Puzzle & Word Games
AlterJig Freeware
Opis: AlterJig is a tile jigsaw puzzle game. You select graphics supplied with the game or create your own puzzles from any bitmaps. When you start the game, it scrambles the puzzle and challenges you to restore the picture by rotating groups of four tiles to get the tiles back to their proper position. Tile rotation is controlled by left and right mouse buttons. It sounds easier to solve than it is.
[Katalog] Opširnije >>

Puzzle & Word Games
AlterJig Freeware
Opis: AlterJig is a tile jigsaw puzzle game. You select graphics supplied with the game or create your own puzzles from any bitmaps. When you start the game, it scrambles the puzzle and challenges you to restore the picture by rotating groups of four tiles to get the tiles back to their proper position. Tile rotation is controlled by left and right mouse buttons. It sounds easier to solve than it is.
[Katalog] Opširnije >>

Casino & Gambling
Bingo Liner
Bingo Liner Freeware
Opis: If you are bored of playing the same bingo software simply at different sites - try Bingo Liner. Bingo Liner is completely different to any thing else in the online bingo world at the moment. Bingo Liner offers virtual reality bingo - it is just like a real life bingo hall. Your virtual self walks around, chooses a table to sit at, talks to other players at the table. We have selected times where you are able to play up to 99 cards!
[Katalog] Opširnije >>

Puzzle & Word Games
Bolt Brain Teasers
Bolt Brain Teasers Shareware
Opis: Bolt Brain Teasers is the most challenging puzzle game ever made claimed Eve Bolt. She employed many different obstacles that require specific actions to overcome. The challenges are packed in over 30 brain-crunching maze like levels for anyone daring enough to get lost in them. Are you up for the challenge? Can you overcome the new era of puzzles? Can you escape the maze once you are in?
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Puzzle & Word Games
boxod Shareware
Opis: boxod is a collection of 4 intuitive, visually compelling puzzle games, each constructed of boxes stacked into cubes or pyramids. The 6 faces of individual boxes can each show different colors and images. The games involve manipulating boxes and levels to match colors and images on each side of the cube or pyramid. These games are easy for fairly young kids to learn, and yet provide enough challenge to interest people of all ages.
[Katalog] Opširnije >>

Teaching & Training Tools
CompTIA A+ Essentials Practice Tests
CompTIA A+ Essentials Practice Tests Demo
Opis: CompTIA A+ Essentials Practice Tests from Study Hall Software is a study aid for persons preparing for A+ certification. Included in the licensed product version you receive over 300 practice questions with explanations to prepare you for the A+ Essentials (220-601) certification exam. Software features include practice and testing modes, test scoring and review, and printed reports.
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Accounting & Finance
Computers Hall
Computers Hall Demo
Opis: Complete solution for management and automation of work of computer clubs, Internet cafes, cyber cafes, gaming centers. Main goals: control of the paid time, control of the work of managers. The computers are locked if the money were not paid for the work with them. Advanced reports, well protected from changing. Simplification of managers work. Multi-language interface: English, Russian, Ukrainian, German, Lettish, Lithuanian are available.
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Crazy Car Gangsters
Crazy Car Gangsters Freeware
Opis: Crazy Car Gangsters game is a very curious mixture of arcade races and shooter. Everyone will find something to his taste: hot rodding in town, breaking rules and scampering away from the police; making the town a battle-field and shooting around every moving thing - anyway deep impression, stylish music and funny graphics are guaranteed to exalt you. Well? Shall we go for a hell of a ride?
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Cubology Shareware
Opis: Clear incoming mineral cubes in the hectic arcade mode. Solve problem levels in the challenging puzzle mode. Played with the mouse, the left button moves cubes, the right button moves the camera. Cubology features great atmospherics, enhanced by 40+ sound effects, 20+ visual effects and there are over 100 unique 3D levels to keep you challenged !
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Puzzle & Word Games
Cyclanoid Freeware
Opis: This is a set of challenging logic games and puzzles. The objective is to arrange the tiles in the center of the board to match the ones displayed along the game-area border. The games are harder than they look because you must get the icons aligned without disrupting your previous work. It also includes a visual puzzle builder for creating your own games with various board sizes and controls.
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Puzzle & Word Games
Cyclanoid Freeware
Opis: This is a set of challenging logic games and puzzles. The objective is to arrange the tiles in the center of the board to match the ones displayed along the game-area border. The games are harder than they look because you must get the icons aligned without disrupting your previous work. It also includes a visual puzzle builder for creating your own games with various board sizes and controls.
[Katalog] Opširnije >>

Screen Savers: Art
Free Kitten and Butterfly ScreenSaver
Free Kitten and Butterfly ScreenSaver Freeware
Opis: ScreenSaver \"A kitten and a butterfly\". This splendid screensaver will liven up a dull day. The green-eyed face of the kitten will bring a smile to even the most gloomy man. And the beautiful dreamlike music will make you feel like you're on holiday, and you'll want to join your tailed friend and watch the butterfly flying. Can you wiggle your ears? Challenge the kitten.
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| Zapisa: 1 do 16 od 44 |


Internet je dostupan milijunima ljudi. Ipak, neke tvrtke još uvijek ne shvaćaju moć Interneta.
Neke tvrtke uopće nemaju internet stranice, a neke imaju tako amaterske i loše da je to gotovo nevjerojatno. Priuštite si stvarno kvalitetne stranice. Sada po prvi puta imate priliku kvalitetno predstaviti svoju tvrtku milijunima ljudi. Da li ćete tu priliku iskoristiti, to ovisi samo o Vama.

 CMS - Content Menagment System - Izrada web stranica

Što je to CMS?

CMS ili Content Menagment System je izraz za programirane internet stranice što Vam omogućava da samostalno i jednostavno unosite ili brišete sadržaj sa svojih internet stranica putem jednostavnog i preglednog administratorskog sučelja, a što je vrlo bitno, bez ikakvih posebnih predznanja.
Za rad Vam dovoljan je samo Vaš preglednik web stranica (browser), a to je upravo Vaš Internet Explorer ili neki drugi program koji upravo i sada koristite kada čitate ovaj tekst.

Tekst je moguće unositi direktno ili tako da ga jednostavno kopirate iz Microsoft Worda ili drugog tekst editora, a formatirate ga onako kako ste navikli u svom programu za obradu teksta. Kao što pišete stranice u Wordu, ili Excelu, tako pišete i sadržaj za Vaše web stranice, direktno u Vašem Control panelu, ili sve napišete u npr. Wordu, a potom to isto kopirate na svoje stranice. Da ste naručili i "klasičnu" izradu web stranica, svejedno bi morali pripremiti tekst i fotografije.
Kako bi se upoznali sa CMS aplikacijama pripremili smo Vam veliki broj primjera i pregleda.

Detaljne informacije o izradi CMS internet stranica - Klikni i saznaj!
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