RJEČNIK - Verzija za ispis
akademske slobode academic freedom
gospodarska sloboda economic freedom
Ljudske slobode Human Freedom
političke i gospodarske slobode political and economic freedoms
riješivši se being freed
sloboda freedom
sloboda freedoms
sloboda izbora freedom of choice
sloboda izražavanja freedom of expression
sloboda komuniciranja freedom of communication
sloboda kretanja freedom of movement
sloboda mišljenja freedom of opinion
sloboda mora freedom of the seas
sloboda okupljanja freedom of assembly
sloboda plovidbe freedom of navigation
sloboda pružanja usluga freedom to provide services
sloboda rada freedom to work
sloboda samoodređenja freedom of self-determination
sloboda tiska freedom of the press
sloboda trgovanja freedom of trade
sloboda udruživanja freedom of association
sloboda vjeroispovijedi freedom of religious beliefs
sloboda zračnoga prometa freedom of the skies
slobodama freedoms
slobode freedoms
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