RJEČNIK - Verzija za ispis
cenzura u kazalištu censorship in theatre
dijeliti istu sudbinu in the same boat
djeca u ratu children in the war
drugom prilikom past(in the)
duboko u polje deep in the field
enzimi u krvnoj plazmi enzymes in the blood plasma
imati potrebu be in the market for
ispuniti obrazac fill-in the blanks
ispuniti obrazac fill-in the form
iznos u nacionalnoj valuti amounts in the national currencies
na in the
na kiši in the rain
na području in the field of
na putu in the way
na teritoriju bilo koje stranke in the territory of either party
na tržištu in the market
na uobičajen način in the normal manner
naselja na otvorenom settlements in the open
nesreća u kući accident in the home
onako in the way
po noći in the dark
razvrstan u isti tarifni broj classified in the same heading
smirivanjem prilika in the more settled situation
sredinom in the middle
srednji in the middle
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