RJEČNIK - Verzija za ispis
Arena amphiteater
Areni amphiteater
biftek beefsteak
biftek na žaru grilled beefsteak
biftek punjen gorgonzolom beefsteak filled with gorgonzola
biftek sa žara grilled beefsteak
biftek u lisnatom beefsteak with puffed pastry
biftek u umaku od papra beefsteak in pepper sauce
čaj tea
čaj common tea
čaj od trava herb tea
čajana tea-shop
čajni servis tea set
čajnik tea pot
cijepanje tearing
dodatna nastava additional teaching
ekipa team
ekipa za raspremanje de-rigging team
ekspertni tim expert team
evaluacija nastave evaluation of the teaching process
farma farmstead
gospodarstvo homestead
gostujuća momčad guest team
gostujuća momčad visiting team
goveđi odrezak beefsteak
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