AISZ, Zagreb
The American International School of Zagreb is a culturally diverse learning community that provides students with an intellectually stimulating program in a nurturing environment. We place students at the center of education
Hotel Petka
Hotel Petka, Dubrovnik - Hotel Petka is situated very near to the picturesque bay Gruz. The harbour of Dubrovnik is situated in bay Gruz. That place is the hub of many domestic and foreign ships and Ferris. Furthermore the main bus station is located near the hotel.
Izrada investicijskih projekata
Investicijski projekt ili poslovni plan, nije samo puka formalnost, već je temeljna okosnica svakog poduzetničkog pothvata, jer tek detaljnim i pažljivim planiranjem i analiziranjem svih detalja budućeg pothata, može se uvidjeti da li je opravdano i realno pristupiti realizaciji ideje.
Meridian tours
Meridian Tours is aware of the importance of Tourism and its impact on the development of the local community. Our view is that the encounters and exchanges between tourists and the local community are an enriching experience beneficial to both parties. We see ourselves in the intermediary role.
The Croatian Academy of America
Inspired by the persistent desire of the Croatian Nation for its proper dignity before all men, realizing that no People can make a responsible contribution towards a peaceful and democratic world without being freely self-determined i.e. endowed with the right to choose its own sovereign state, recollecting that Croatian liberty has been frustrated for centuries because of tyranny from without and within, mindful that the friendly guardianship of the just aspirations of men has always been the keynote of American hospitality, we herewith establish and constitute The Croatian Academy of America.
XYLON d.o.o.
XYLON is an electronic company focused to FPGA design developments. Our mission is to produce optimised IP cores, named logicBRICKS, interfaces and services that improve designers’ effectiveness and lower overall production costs. Hrvatska.