WEB IMENIK - Verzija za ispis web imenika
Centar za politiku razvoja malih i srednjih poduzeća i poduzetništva je prvi think-tank u Hrvatskoj koji se bavi problematikom malog i srednjeg poduzetništva (MSP). CEPOR je neprofitna organizacija osnovana 2001. godine temeljem Sporazuma između Republike Hrvatske i Instituta Otvoreno društvo - Hrvatska.
URL: http://www.cepor.hr
Croatian Fraternal Union of America - Over a century of fraternalism has been achieved within the ranks of the Croatian Fraternal Union.
URL: http://www.croatianfraternalunion.org
Digital grupa d.o.o.
Tvrtka Digital grupa d.o.o. je osnovana krajem 2003. godine kao sljednik ekskluzivnog distributera Konica Poslovnih Rješenja u Hrvatskoj. Kod nas možete izabrati sve od Panasonica (telekomunikacije, audio i video opreme...), TOSHIBE kao novog segmenta na našem tržištu, Konica Minolte Poslovnih rješenja, ThinPrint-a (softwearske aplikacije) i Kindermanna.
URL: http://www.digitalgrupa.com
New York Croats
Our mission is to improve communication within the New York Croatian Community and the Global Croatian Community. Also, to encourage discussion on various topics among Croatians in the North American Croatian Forum.
URL: http://www.nycroats.com
Nordic Chamber
Nordic Chamber of Commerce in Croatia is a non-profit organization, founded with the vision of becoming a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences within the Nordic business community in Croatia. Our mission is to promote the Nordic values such as innovation, openness, responsibility and confidence.
URL: http://www.nordicchamber.hr
The Croatian Academy of America
Inspired by the persistent desire of the Croatian Nation for its proper dignity before all men, realizing that no People can make a responsible contribution towards a peaceful and democratic world without being freely self-determined i.e. endowed with the right to choose its own sovereign state, recollecting that Croatian liberty has been frustrated for centuries because of tyranny from without and within, mindful that the friendly guardianship of the just aspirations of men has always been the keynote of American hospitality, we herewith establish and constitute The Croatian Academy of America.
URL: http://www.croatianacademy.org

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