Accident |
An unforeseen occurrence of
happening; fortuitous event.
Act of God |
A natural event, not preventable
by any human agency, such as flood, storms, or lightning.
Force of nature that a carrier has no control over, and
therefore cannot be held accountable for.
All Risks |
The broadest form of coverage
available, providing protection against all risk of physical
loss or damage from any external cause. Does not cover loss
or damage due to delay, inherent vice, pre-shipment
condition, inadequate packaging, or loss of market. Loss
must be fortuitous to be covered.
Approved Merchandise |
Goods that are not particularly
susceptible to loss or either by reason of their nature or
because they are well packed. This term embraces practically
all manufactured articles or new merchandise.
As-Is-Where-Is |
Description of the terms under
which damaged property is sold, meaning that it is to be
sold at its present location and in its present condition
without warranty as to quality or quantity. See
"Salvage Value".
Average Clauses |
The perils Clause establishes
the basic perils that are covered by the policy, and a total
loss due to one of these perils is covered in full. The
various Average Clauses determine when PARTIAL LOSSES due to
a peril in the Perils Clause are covered. The Average
Clauses fall into two categories: F.P.A. (Free of Particular
Average) and W.A. (With Average).
Bareboat Charter |
A contract to rent a vessel
without equipment, crew, fuel, or stores.
Bill of Lading (B/L, Blading,
Lading) |
The document issued on behalf of
the carrier describing the kind and quantity of the goods
being shipped, the shipper, the consignee, the ports of
loading and discharge and the carrying vessel. The Bill of
Lading serves as:
A) Receipt for the merchandise given to the shipper by the
B) Document of title giving lawful possessor title to
C) The contract of carriage between shipper and carrier;
D) Evidence of the apparent condition of the goods when
received by the carrier. (If the
cargo shows damage, the Master
will note exceptions on the B/L, e.g., "all coils
rusted," or "13 bags
broken and leaking." A B/L lacking
such exceptions is a
"clean" Bill of Lading, and prima facie
evidence of the apparent good
order of the cargo).
Break Bulk |
Loose cargo, such as cartons,
stowed directly in the ship's hold as opposed to
containerized or bulk cargo.
Bulk Shipments |
Shipments which are not
packaged, but are loaded directly into the vessel's holds.
Examples of commodities that can be shipped in bulk are
ores, coal, scrap, iron, grain, rice, vegetable oil, tallow,
fuel oil, fertilizers, and similar commodities.
Carriage of Goods by Sea Act (C.O.G.S.A.) |
1936 U.S. Statute governs the
acts that a carrier is responsible for, and it defines the
terms used in shipping. The act provides that the
shipowner's liability will be limited to $500.00 per
shipping package, and it states that there is a one year
time limit for filing suit against the carrier. This act
automatically applies to international ocean movements but
not to domestic ocean transits unless the carrier agrees to
be bound by it
Carrier |
Usually means Steamship Company,
but can also refer to trucking company, airlines, or
railroads as transporters of cargo.
Certificate of Insurance (Policy
of Insurance) |
Document issued on behalf of the
Underwriter stating the terms and conditions of the marine
insurance. Issued when evidence of insurance is required, as
by the bank issuing the Letter of Credit (especially on
export shipment.)
Charterer |
One who rents, hires, or leases
a vessel from its owner.
Charter Party |
A document containing the terms
of a contract for the renting or leasing of a vessel by the
owner to the charterer.
Collision |
In marine insurance, a vessel
striking another vessel or floating (not stationary) object.
Commercial Invoice |
The seller's bill of sale for
the goods sold, specifying type of goods, quantity and price
of each type, and terms of sale.
Common Carrier |
Transporter who hold himself out
to the general public for the transportation of goods over a
definite route and according to a regular schedule.
Concealed Damage |
Damage to the contents of a
package which is apparently in good condition externally.
Consignee |
who is to receive goods; usually buyer. |
Consignor |
who ships goods; shipper; usually seller. |
Containerization |
Shipping system based on large
cargo-carrying containers ranging up to 40' long that can be
easily interchanged between trucks, trains, and ships
without rehandling the contents.
Contingency Insurance |
A coverage contingent upon
non-performance of a policy issued abroad. If the Assured
buys or sells on terms under which the insurance is arranged
by the other party, and that Insurance protects the
Assured's interest in such shipment.
Contract of Affreightment |
The contract of carriage between
shipper and carrier, usually expressed in the Bill of
Lading, but subject to the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act if a
United States Port and a foreign port are involved.
C.T.L. (Constructive Total Loss) |
"Total Loss". |
Declaration |
Form filled out by Assured and
sent to the broker and insurance company when reporting
individual shipments coming within the terms of an Open
Cargo Policy; usually used for declaring import shipments
where evidence of insurance is not required. See
Delay |
Even under All Risks coverage,
damage due to delay is not recoverable. Most Underwriters
have inserted a "Delay Clause" in the Open Cargo
Policy, which states specifically that damage caused by
delay is not recoverable even if the delay was due to a
peril insured against.
Demurrage |
1) Penalty charged to cargo that
is held beyond the generally allowed number of
days"free time" before it is picked up by
2) A penalty that Charterer pays vessel owner for keeping
vessel at port of, loading or discharge longer than agreed
in the Charter Party.
Depreciation |
allowance for a decrease in value of property through
deterioration, or damage. |
Detention |
The prevention, by governmental
authority, of vessel and/or cargo leaving port, particularly
during time of hostilities.
Deviation |
Any unexcused departure from the
prescribed or customary way of pursuing the intended voyage
covered by the Policy that is of enough significance to
alter the risk, such as altering the intended route. Stowage
of cargo on deck when an "Under Deck" Bill of
Lading has been issued is considered a deviation. An Open
Cargo Policy generally includes the Deviation Clause,
protecting the cargo owner in case of deviation or change of
voyage, or in case of error in the description of the
interest, vessel or voyage. The carrier loses the benefit of
the Exemptions from Liability in the U.S. Carriage of Goods
by Sea Act in the case of intentional deviation, unless such
deviation be for the purpose of attempting to save life, or
property at sea.
Difference in Conditions (D.I.C.) |
An Open Cargo Policy provides
automatic coverage on those shipments which the Assured is
obligated to insure and specifically excludes coverage on
those shipments which the Assured is not obligated to
insure, such as those purchased C.I.F. However, the party
responsible for insuring such shipment could be purchasing
insurance with more limited insuring conditions than the
Assured would have under his own Open Policy, had he had the
responsibility of placing the insurance. A D.I.C.
Endorsement gives the Assured coverage for the difference in
conditions between the coverage provided by the Policy
covering the shipment and the broader conditions provided by
the Assured's Open
Discharge |
unload cargo from a vessel. |
Due Course of Transit |
Uninterrupted movement of goods
from point of origin to destination without delay caused by
cargo owner.
Dunnage |
Loose wood or other material
used in a vessel's hold to secure and support cargo during
voyage to prevent movement.
Duty |
Government's tax levied on imports; in the U.S., collected by
U.S. Bureau of Customs. |
Exception |
A notation on a shipping
document (Bill of Lading or Delivery Receipt) qualifying the
condition of the merchandise to indicate damage.
Exhibition Cover |
A Marine Cargo Policy normally
covers only while in due course of transit. An Exhibition
Cover extends coverage to include while the merchandise is
on exhibit (usually at a trade show) and the return shipment
(unless the merchandise is sold). Only the Marine Policy can
be so extended to cover while ashore; the War Policy cannot.
EX (Point of Origin) |
the point where the shipment begins movement, e.g. "Ex
Factory" or "Ex Mine" or "Ex
Warehouse". |
F.C. & S. (Free of Capture
& Seizure) |
Clause excluding war risks from
the Marine Policy; war risks can be covered by issuing a
separate War Policy with an additional premium being charged
Fire Statute |
1851 U.S. Statute that provides
no shipowner can be held liable for any loss or damage to
merchandise on board his vessel by reason of fire on board
unless this fire has been caused by the design or neglect of
the shipowner.
F.O.B/F.A.S. Endorsement |
If a merchant sells on F.O.B.,
F.A.S., C&F, or similar terms, it is the buyer's
responsibility to place the marine insurance. However, if
the buyer purchases marine insurance that does not have a
"Warehouse-to-Warehouse" Clause, or Marine
Extension clauses, the coverage may not attach until the
cargo is placed aboard the vessel. If the merchant has an
Open Cargo Policy, an F.O.B./F.A.S. Endorsement provides
automatic coverage on such shipments until such time as the
buyer's policy attaches. A type of Contingency coverage.
Fortuitous |
happening by chance. |
F.P.A.A.C. (Free of Particular
Average-American Conditions) |
Limits recovery of partial
losses to those directly CAUSED BY the vessel stranding,
sinking, burning, or being in collision with another vessel.
F.P.A.E.C. (Free of Particular
Average-English Conditions) |
Limits recovery of partial
losses due to a peril in the Perils Clause to those
occurring on a voyage in which the vessel is stranded, sunk,
burnt, or in collision with another vessel. Under F.P.A.E.C.
it is NOT NECESSARY that the actual damage be caused by the
vessel stranding, sinking, burning, or being in collision,
but only that one of these HAS OCCURRED during the voyage to
open up the F.P.A. Warranty.
Franchise |
The percentage of insured value
of fixed dollar amount in the policy which must be reached
before an insured loss is paid in full.
Similar to a deductible in that insured losses less than the
franchise are not paid. Different from a deductible in that
insured losses equal to, or more than, the franchise are
paid in full.
Freight |
money charged by the carrier for transportation goods. |
General Average (G.A.) |
Ancient principle of equity in
which all parties in a sea adventure (ship, cargo, and
freight) proportionately share losses resulting from a
voluntary and successful A) Sacrifice of part of the ship or
cargo to save the whole adventure from an impending peril,
or B) Extraordinary expenses necessarily incurred for the
joint benefit of ship and cargo.
General Average Adjuster |
A marine specialists who adjusts
and prints the statement of General Average; appointed by
the shipowner, as a rule, and in the United States is
usually a member of the Association of Average Adjusters;
collects security and authorizes release of cargo to owners
when cargo is fully secured.
General Average Bond |
A bond prepared by the General
Average Adjuster wherein the owner of the goods binds
himself to pay his proportion of the General Average.
Ordinarily General Average Adjusters will not authorize
delivery of the goods to the owner until he signs this bond
which is AKA Average Agreement.
General Average Deposit |
A cash deposit (usually based on
the estimated percentage of General Average) which the
General Average Adjuster demands from the owner of the goods
to secure the payment of his proportion of the General
Average. This cash deposit is usually demanded as additional
security to the General Average Bond. See "General
Average Guarantee".
General Average Guarantee |
The Insurance Company's written
guarantee to the Adjuster guaranteeing to pay the proportion
of General Average finally assessed against the goods
insured. This guarantee is usually accepted by the Adjuster
in lieu of a cash deposit and is additional security to the
bond signed by the owner of the goods.
Grounding |
or touching the bottom; running ashore. See
"Stranding". |
Hague Rules |
A set of rules for the
regulation of foreign bills of lading in the carriage of
goods by sea that resulted from a 1921 conference of
maritime nations at the Hague. The 1922 revised Hague Rules
were recommended to the governments of the maritime nations
or adoption as the basis for their Carriage of Goods by Sea
Act which would provide for enforcement. The U.S. adopted
the Hague Rules with some changes in 1936 when it passed
Harter Act |
1893 U.S. Statute that relieves
the owner of a ship from the consequences of careless or
negligent acts in the navigation or in the management of the
vessel, and from liability for losses caused by inherent
defects or weakness in the vessel itself, provided the owner
or his manager has taken all precautions to furnish a
seaworthy vessel that has been adequately equipped and
manned by a competent master and crew; this act still
applies to domestic water shipments by common carriers,
although it has been superseded by C.O.G.S.A. on shipments
to and from foreign countries.
Increased Value Insurance |
Insurance that covers an
increase in the value of the property insured. A rising
market usually necessitates such insurance, which is
ordinarily for a separate amount in excess of the total
insured value of the property which has increased in value.
Inherent Vice |
A loss
caused by the inherent nature of the thing insured and not the
result of a casualty or external cause. |
Irrespective of Percentage |
Means that all loss or damage
due to a peril insured against is collectible in full,
without a franchise having to be reached, or a deductible
applied. See "Average Clauses".
Joint Policy |
A policy in which two or more
underwriters (companies) participate insuring a single risk.
This is not reinsurance.
L.A.S.H. (Lighter Aboard Ship) |
A transportation system in which
specially designed barges (lighters), after being loaded
with cargo, are loaded aboard the vessel to become an
integral part of the vessel. See "Lighter".
Lead Underwriter |
underwriter who formulates rates and conditions and accepts
the largest participation in a joint policy. |
Legal Liability |
imposed by law. |
Letter of Credit |
The most common method of
financing ocean cargo shipments, whereby a fund is
established by the buyer in a bank located near the seller,
against which the seller is authorized to draw drafts for
goods purchased by the buyer.
Lighter |
A large, open flat-bottomed
barge used in unloading and loading ships wherever shallow
water prevents the ships from coming into shore.
Limitation of Liability |
U.S. Act of 1851 granting a
shipowner the right to limit his liability for the damage
arising out of a collision (provided the collision occurred
without his privity or (knowledge) to the value of the
vessel at the end of the voyage on which the collision
Lloyd Register |
An alphabetical register of
vessels completely describing them and containing other
information valuable to a Marine Insurance Company;
published by Lloyds Register of Shipping.
Loan Receipt |
Document signed by the Assured
where he acknowledges receipt of money advanced by the
insurance company as an interest free loan (instead of
payment of a loss) repayable to the insurance company only
if the loss is recovered from a third party and then only to
the extent of the recovery.
Loss of Market |
A situation in which, for one
reason or another, sound cargo is no longer wanted by the
consignee when it arrives. This is a "business
loss" not recoverable under a Marine Cargo Policy; e.g.
Christmas trees arriving in January undamaged.
Marine Extension Clause (M.E.C.) |
Clause "temporarily"
added to the Cargo Policy during World War II to extend the
Warehouse Clause to provide automatic coverage on the cargo
form the time it leaves the warehouse of origin until it
arrives in the warehouse at destination, regardless of any
deviation, delay, forced discharge, reshipment, transhipment,
or any other interruption in the due course of transit
beyond the control of the Assured. The clause is still
common to most cargo policies. See "Warehouse to
Warehouse Clause".
Named Perils Policy |
marine policy limiting coverage to perils specifically listed
in the policy; opposed to All Risks policy. See "All
Risks". |
Non-Delivery |
A cargo loss in which an entire
shipping package is missing at destination without any
evidence of the cause of its loss; does not include
On Deck Cargo |
Cargo carried on the main deck
of the vessel, or other spaces above the main deck; cargo
carried on deck is subject to damage by wind, sea water, and
being washed overboard.
Open Policy |
A cargo policy with no
expiration date that provides automatic coverage of cargo
shipments to or from an Assured in a specified trade at
agreed rates, terms, and conditions. Usually consists of
separate Marine and War policies.
Pallet |
A low
portable platform, usually wooden, on which cargo is stacked
for storage or transportation; a skid. |
Partial Loss |
loss which is less than a total loss; i.e. Particular Average
or General Average loss. |
Particular Average (PA) |
A partial loss of the property
insured caused by a peril insured against, and which is not
a General Average loss.
Particular Average (PA) Adjustment |
Cargo is insured at an agreed
valuation; therefore, the surveyor establishes the
percentage of damage to the goods which is then applied to
the agreed value to determine the amount of claim. Where a
percentage of damage cannot be agreed, it is common for the
damaged goods to be sold. The amount of claim is then
computed by determining the sound market value of the goods
on the date of sale (as if undamaged), comparing it to the
amount for which they were sold, thereby obtaining a
percentage of depreciation which can be applied to the
agreed value.
Perils of the Seas |
Fortuitous accidents or
casualties, peculiar to transportation on navigable water,
such as stranding, sinking, collision of the vessel,
striking a submerged object, or encountering heavy weather
or other usual force of nature.
Pilferage |
theft of part of the contents of a shipping package. |
Recovery |
"Subrogation". |
Release |
Document signed by third party
claimant in which he acknowledges receipt of claim payment
(by or on behalf of Assured) and agrees to make no further
Ro-Ro (Roll-on-Roll-Off) |
A specially constructed vessel
having a ramp on the top which can be raised to a vertical
position and lowered to permit trucks and trailers to load
under their own power.
Salvage |
1) The service rendered by a
third party for assistance in saving ship or cargo from
2) The monetary award granted for such service.
3) That which is saved.
Salvage Award |
The sum
awarded to salvors for saving property damaged or endangered
in a Maritime adventure. |
Salvage Charge |
cost incurred saving, preserving a reclaiming cargo or vessel
after an accident. |
Salvage Loss Adjustment |
1) Adjustment of a C.T.L. claim
on property where the salvage received by the Assured is
deducted from the insured value, and the difference is paid
by the Underwriter to the Assured.
2) Can only be used to adjust PA claims if agreed by Assured
and Underwriters prior to the loss. See "Particular
Average (PA) Adjustment".
Salvage Value |
The amount of money realized by
selling damaged property. Also used to describe that portion
of the property itself which is salved from a loss; i.e.
Salvor |
A Third
Party who saves or assists in the saving or a vessel or
property from loss at sea. |
Seaworthy |
The sound condition of a vessel
enabling it to successfully meet all the varying conditions
of sea, wind, and weather normally to be expected on the
Shipper's Load and Count |
Note on bill of lading
indicating that the contents of a container were loaded and
counted by the shipper and not checked or verified by the
Steamship Company.
Sinking |
A vessel losing buoyancy and
becoming submerged. It is not necessary that she disappears,
as a vessel may sink in shallow waters. If she is submerged
to the depth the water permits, she is a sunken vessel.
Stevedore |
person who loads or unloads a ship; a longshoreman. |
Stowage |
placement of cargo aboard the vessel. |
Stranding |
The grounding of the vessel,
causing her to remain fast for an appreciable length of
time. Mere contact with the ground in which the vessel,
without losing her momentum, proceeds on her course,
commonly termed "touch-and-go", is not considered
a stranding.
Subrogation |
The operation by which the
insurance company (on payment of a claim) assumes all of the
assured's rights to recovery from any third parties;
substitution of one creditor for another.
Subrogation Receipt |
A document signed by the cargo
owner acknowledging receipt of payment of a claim, and
assigning his rights of recovery (against any third party)
to the insurance company.
Sue and Labor Clause |
The clause in a marine policy
requiring the Assured, in the event of a loss, to act as a
prudent uninsured and minimize damage by taking steps to
save and preserve the property from further loss or damage.
The clause provides that charges or expenses reasonably
incurred in preserving the property are recoverable from
Underwriters, if the loss itself is recoverable.
Survey |
issued by a Surveyor. |
Surveyor |
A marine specialist who examines
damaged property and determines the cause, nature, and
extent of damage and methods of repair and/or replacement.
He is not an adjuster, and all his actions are without
prejudice to policy terms and conditions.
Sweat Damage |
damage caused by water condensing from humid air inside a
container due to drop in temperature. |
Tare Weight |
The weight of the container and
material used for packing; tare weight is deducted from the
gross weight to get the weight of the contents.
Terms of Sale |
The invoice is the sales
contract between buyer and seller and indicates the Terms of
Sale. (See Diagram, Pages 20 & 21). e.g.:
-EX Factory, Phoenix (From Factory, Phoenix):
Seller owns goods until they are picked up at his factory;
selling price is the cost of goods.
-F.O.B. Truck, Phoenix (Free on Board Truck, Phoenix):
Seller owns goods until they are loaded on truck at his
factory; selling price includes all costs so far plus cost
of loading on truck.
-F.A.S. Vessel, Los Angeles (Free Alongside Steamer,
Los Angeles): Seller owns goods until they are
delivered alongside vessel; selling price includes all
costs so far plus cost of loading on vessel.
-F.O.B. Vessel, Los Angeles (Free on Board Vessel, Los
Angeles): Seller owns goods until they are loaded on
vessel; selling price includes all costs so far plus cost
of loading on vessel.
-C.&F., Inchon (Cost and Freight, Inchon):
Seller owns goods until they are loaded on vessel; selling
price includes all costs so far plus cost of ocean
-C.I.F., Inchon (Cost, Insurance, and Freight, Inchon):
Seller owns goods until they are loaded on vessel; selling
price includes all costs so far plus cost of ocean marine
-EX Dock, Inchon (From Dock, Inchon): Seller owns
goods until they are unloaded on dock at port of
discharge; selling price includes all costs so far plus
cost of unloading from vessel.
-F.O.B. Warehouse, Seoul (Free on Board Warehouse,
Seoul): Seller owns goods until they are delivered to
buyer's warehouse at final destination; selling price
includes all costs so far plus transportation to final
Time Charter |
A contract to rent a
fully-equipped vessel including crew for a certain period of
Total Loss (T.L.) |
Actual Total Loss: Total
loss of property insured due to one of the following:
1. Total Destruction: Physical destruction of the
property, as plywood being totally consumed by flames.
2. Loss of Specie: Property is so badly damaged
that it ceases to be recognizable as the thing shipped, as
bags of cement wetted by sea water and hardening.
3. Irretrievable Deprivement: The owner of the
property has been deprived of the use of the property,
even through it may be undamaged, as when a shipment of
silver ingots is lost overboard.
4. Vessel Lost: The vessel (and by implication, her
cargo) are posted as "missing" at Lloyds of
Constructive Total Loss (C.T.L.): The property has
been so damaged that Total Loss is inevitable, or the part
or remnant remaining can only be recovered and repaired at a
cost exceeding the insured value of the property.
Trade Loss |
For commodities that are shipped
in bulk, trade loss represents that percentage of a shipment
that is considered normal, to that particular trade, to be
lost during the voyage. When insuring such commodities
Underwriters will usually apply a deductible equal to, or
exceeding, that percentage, in order to avoid paying
inevitable losses.
Transhipment |
transfer from one ship or conveyance to another for further
transit. |
Unapproved Merchandise |
Goods especially susceptible to
damage or perishable in their own nature which are not
acceptable for coverage under an Open Cargo Policy, except
under special terms and conditions.
Under Deck |
space below the main deck of a vessel. |
Valuation Clause |
The Clause in the Marine Policy
that contains a fixed basis of valuation agreed upon by the
Assured and the Underwriter and which establishes the
insured value of the merchandise. The Clause determines the
amount payable under any recoverable loss or General Average
Valued Policy |
A policy in which the insured
value of the property insured has been agreed to between
Assured and Underwriter when the policy is written rather
than after a loss has occurred; as opposed to actual cash
vale policy.
Vessel |
description of water craft or other artificial contrivance
used, or capable of being used, as a means of transportation
on water. |
Voyage |
1) A Vessel's complete journey
from her Home Port through all of her Ports-Of-Call back to
her Home Port.
2) The journey of a cargo consignment from its origin to the
warehouse of its final destination.
Voyage Charter |
A contract to rent a
fully-equipped vessel including crew for a specific voyage.
W.A. if amounting to 3% (With
Average with a 3% Franchise) |
Limits recovery of partial
losses due to a peril the Perils Clause to those reaching a
Franchise (3% usual for many commodities, but the Franchise
can be any percentage of the insured value, or any amount
agreed upon by the Assurer and the Assured). See
"Franchise". The clause can be written in a
variety of ways, including:
-With Average, if amounting to 3%.
-With Particular Average, if amounting to 3%.
-Particular Average Payable, if amounting to 3%.
-Average Payable, if amounting to 3%.
-To Pay Particular Average, if amounting to 3%.
-Subject to Particular Average, if amounting to 3%.
W.A. Irrespective of Percentage
(With Average, No Franchise) |
Allows full recovery of all
partial losses due to a peril in the Perils Clause. This
clause can also be written in a variety of ways, as above,
with the words "if amounting to 3%" replaced by
"irrespective of percentage" or deleted entirely.
Warranties |
Expressed Warranty: An
agreement written in the policy which must be strictly and
literally complied with. A violation thereof voids the
Implied Warranty: Fundamental conditions implied in a
contract of marine insurance:
Seaworthiness of the vessel;
Legality of the adventure.
War Risks |
Those risks related to two (or
more) belligerents engaging in hostilities, whether or not
there has been a formal declaration of war. Such risks are
excluded by the F.C. & S. (Free of Capture and Seizure)
Warranty, but may be covered by a separate War Risk Policy,
at an additional premium.
Without Prejudice |
1) Used to indicate that a
report or opinion is objective and unbiased to any
interested party involved.
2) A claim that is paid "without prejudice" to
policy terms and conditions, i.e. the payment will not
prejudice the underwriter's position in regard to future